Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting Bigger!

I am getting really big! Mom and Dad were shocked to see that my feet touch the ground in the excersaucer - they did not touch just last week! I am definately teething and I drool (I go through about 3 bibs a day), suck my tongue and anything else I can get in my mouth all the time. Sometimes I get a bit fussy because my gums hurt! I wonder when I will get my first tooth? I know my Daddy starting teething when he was 4 months old but did not get his first tooth until he was 8 1/2 months - this could be a long process!!
I love to play with all my toys and giggle a lot at anyone who makes me laugh! I can pet Murphy and she loves to give me kisses!
I still love the song "Snuggle Puppy" and get a big smile whenever Mommy sings it. I love when Daddy and I sing "the Wheels on the Bus" - Daddy is so much fun! I still love all my toys, but I am getting a bit sick of my swing - it just does not entertain me like it used too - I think Mom and Dad are upset about that (something about no longer having peaceful lunches and dinners)!! I can sit up by myself when I am leaning up against things too!
I am getting so big and change every day!

Older Man

As you all know, the American Idol David Cook was my first crush...but now I think I am looking at boys closer to my age. I still like older men, so Leyton Wasserkrug fits the bill. He is a really cute 8 month old friend of mine and the first little boy I have met besides my cousin Tom! We had lots of fun playing this weekend at his house. He is so talented and can already crawl and roll all around! I was so intrigued by his mobility and red hair! We played together and even got to go outside and play on the blanket on the grass!! We blew bubbles and giggled together! We are gong to be good friends...it is so fun that mommy and daddy have friends with little boys and girls my age! It will be so fun to play with them!!


