Friday, September 7, 2012

Cheer leading pictures!

Here are some cheer leading pictures Aunt Jenny took on our first class this year!


A Blog post from Anna and Ashley...

Kate Day:

Since Grama went out of town today we decided to have Kate over for the day. She showed up right after Anna woke up and you won't believe what she was wearing.... her strawberry shortcake dress. She was hoping that there could be three strawberry shortcakes and guess what?!?!?!

 There was! 3 curly haired strawberry shortcakes!

We had so much fun reading TONS of books with mommy (she easily read over 15), playing outside, swinging on the swings, acted super silly as bucket head girls, painting nails and feet, having dance parties, playing in the water table and coloring our babies with chalk, playing in the basement, all three taking naps and just being together. We even got to eat breakfast outside! We had never done that before :)

We love playing with our cousins!

Anna and Ashley

Cheer leading!!

Cheer leading also started was a BIG day!  Many of the same kids are in my class (Sydney, Alyssa and Hadley), but there is a BIG addition.....ANNA!  She is the youngest in the class, but did really well.  I held her hand and walked her in and really acted like her BIG cousin making sure she was okay and knew what to do!  It was really fun!  We are already learning new cheer moves!


Happy 1st Day of School to me!

This is my 3rd year at my school (PCOS) and I love it!  I am so comfortable there and know so many people!  Wednesday was my first day of school and I was really excited!  Both mommy and daddy took me to school and daddy was even able to pick me up and spend the day with me!

After we had a small battle on what to wear (because I no longer wanted to wear what we picked out the night before- I told mom "that is what you want me to wear, not what I want to wear") I decided on my skull skirt and black skull tank top!  Daddy made me breakfast and then we were off to school!

We got there in time to take pictures by the school sign and even go and check on Anna.  It is so cool that Anna is in day out 1 day a week at my school!  I was so excited to see her and I wished her a good day...she was really excited!

My day was great!  We read books, did lots of artwork, played outside and had snack. I met lots of new friends as my class is mostly new faces to me.  Hadley is in my class and I have cheer with Hadley.  I can't wait to get to know everyone more!  Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. Hawk are really nice.  I really love Mrs. Cronin because she plays with me and does art with me!

Here are some pictures of the BIG day!
