Saturday, June 15, 2013

Practicing for Hawaii!!

Today Dad and I spent a lot of fun time at the pool.  Mom came by after her errands and brought my snorkeling gear to practice for all the fun snorkeling we will be doing in Hawaii!  This was the first time I have practiced in the pool and it was AWESOME! I was so amazed at seeing so clearly under water (even better than typical goggles).  I was even able to stay under water for 62 seconds!  That was amazing! 

I can't wait to see all the amazing fish in Hawaii when we go snorkeling!


Second Cousins!!!

Last night we went over to Nama and Papa's for a party!  Gigi, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Abby, mommy, daddy and I were so excited that Matt (mommy's cousin), Janet, Kensey, Michael, Luke and Matthew were all in town from Minnesota!  We had a great BBQ dinner and played TONS!

I really liked hanging out with Michael.  He is nine and I thought that was pretty cool. At dinner I sat by him and really wanted to talk to him.  I would tell him stuff like..."I just acted out today at a performance."  Want to see my rose?"  "I play soccer to."  It was just so cool to be with a big kid!

We played baseball, hung out downstairs with Papa and all his toys and just chilled.  It was awesome!  I am so glad they came into town!


No autographs please....

This week I was in Fairy Drama Camp with Anna.  Miss Jo was our drama teacher.  She taught us how to act and be an actress. Sometimes we would pretend to be things in the room (a chair, a flower, a table) and other times we would act out storybooks.  All the storybooks were about fairies!  It was really a great time...I loved it a lot!

Last night was our performance.  Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Ashley, Abby, mommy and daddy all came to watch.  The other actresses also had family was a big audience.  We warmed up by pretending to be things in the room (costumes, flowers and things like that), then it was time for the BIG performance.

We were each introduced by our fairy names.  I was Fairy Starburst and Anna was Tinker Bell.  We acted like fairies and collected dewdrops in our fairy pot.  It was fun.

Our second performance was from the book "The Midnight Fairies".  I was the leading lady and played the little girl, Meghan.  I acted with Miss Jo (who was playing my grandma).  I lost my necklace outside while spending the night at my grandma's house.  I realized it and when I looked out the window at midnight was introduced to the midnight fairies.  I got to fly with them and they even found my necklace.  Anna was a midnight fairy!!

At the end of each performance we got to bow...and everyone cheered for us!

Everyone was so proud of my acting skills.  I said all my lines when prompted and even spoke up nice and load so everyone could hear me.  It was really awesome!!

After the performance Anna and I got roses for being such great actresses!  It was so first ROSE ever!

Can't wait until I am in my next play!
