Saturday, March 19, 2011


The Fimmen side of my family keeps getting bigger and bigger...with the addition of 2 new cousins in the last 4 months it is crazy-fun! Take a look at a picture of us all at the baptism (this is the best one of the batch even though I am not looking at the camera)!

Baptism Party

The Baptism for baby Matt and Ashley was really nice. Tom and I got to sit next to each other at church and with the exception of mom and dad keeping us in line we were VERY good 3 year olds! The party after was lots of fun because we got to run all over Nama's house and play! It was so much fun that I even skipped my nap! I was pretty sleepy though! Since we forgot to do my princess pinata at my birthday party we did it at the baptism party and had lots of goodies!

Baptism Weekend!

My cousins were all in town for Baby Matt and baby Ashley's baptisms. We had lots of fun playing and stuff. Gigi is in town for a few weeks too and I got to spend lots of time with her and had so much fun! I even got to help her make cookies and homemade bread! My Great Aunt Pat and Great Uncle Jon, and my mommy's cousins Colleen and Patrick were also in town for the weekend! It was a full house and we had a BLAST! Here are some pictures!

Jumping Jacks with the Cousins!

I have had a BLAST all week with all my cousins here! We have done lots of playing, dancing and playing! Yesterday we went to a bouncy house place called "Jumping Jacks" and had a blast! We climbed all sorts of stuff, went down slides, jumped like crazy and had SO MUCH FUN! Afterwards we went to Cactus Grill for some cheese dip! Mmmm!!!

St. Patty's Day!

I hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's day! I know I sure did! I played with all my cousins and had SO MUCH FUN!

Dancing School

Now that I turned 3 I can take dancing classes! I started my first class last week at Blue Valley rec and really loved it! I do both tap and ballet in one class. Tap is my favorite so I can stomp all over and make lots of noise! My friend Sydney is also in class with me - it is fun to go to dancing school with a friend! Next time I see you I will have to show you my new skills! You may notice I had to change my clothes into a purple outfit. Well, I had a little accident, but that's okay! It happens!


I love to help mommy cook...especially yummy desserts! the other day we made brownies and I was so happy to lick the spoon and bowl! Can't wait until we make brownies again! Mmmm...mommy calls me the "Brownie Freak" because I go crazy when brownies are around!

Warmer weather finally came!

This week we had a few really nice weather, after we all got home from work and playing at Nama's we played outside. Here are some pics of me playing with some of my new toys I got for my birthday...a new bike and a new scooter! I can't wait for it to be warm everyday so I can play outside! I LOVE outside!