Friday, December 5, 2014

Best day!!

The coolest thing happened this week...Aunt Jenny and the girls came to my school to eat lunch with me!!

We had our own table and I even got to invite Addi to sit with us!!  It was so cool to have them at my school and walk the halls with me.

The day continued to be totally awesome as mom and dad went to a gala and I got to stay the night at Nama and Papa's house!!  We played, shopped had sausages and Mac n cheese for dinner and had the best time!!

I love my life!!


Gingerbread man!!

On Wednesdsy night I got to bring home the classroom gingerbread man! He got to hang out with me and we had lots of fun.

We took pictures of everything and then I wrote all about it into a binder that is shared with all the kids in my class.

It was really cool!
