Saturday, May 23, 2015

Party at the Green's

We just got home from an all night BBQ party at my friend Madeline's house.  It was lots of fun!  We had great food, played on a huge bouncy house, went to the park by their house, watched a movie, had a dance party and played like crazy!!

It started raining really hard while we were at the park and we got soaked....see the pic below!

I was going to spend the night with Madeline and Haylee, but mom had to pick me up because I got a belly ache and I felt like I was going to puke!!

So glad we had such a fun night though!!


You will not believe it....

I can tie shoes!!!  After years of dis-interest, I decided to learn this morning...and I did...pretty quickly!

Now, time to go shop and buy some tie shoes!   ;)


Royals game!!

Last night we went to the Royals game with the Utting's!  It ended up being a perfect night for a game...a bit cool and the rain hung off!  Better yet...they beat the Cardinals 5-0!!

We had a yummy hit dig and nacho dinner, watched a good game, did each other's hair, met Slugger, road the merry-go-round and had a fabulous time!!  We stayed for the whole game and even got to stay late to watch the fireworks!!!

Mom and immediately fell asleep on the drive home...boy was it a super fun and busy day!!!


A nice note from Mrs. Miller!
