Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fun Day!

After Santa pictures today mommy, daddy and I went to the City Market and walked around and shopped around.  It was such a beautiful day that we all could have been there all day!  Then, after a nap today (I have a bit of a cold and really needed to rest) we went and saw a movie at the theater!!!  We saw "Wreck it Ralph" and it was really great!  I love the movies!  After the movies we went out for pizza and then got home just in time for me to read a few books and then go to bed....I was worn out from such a fun day!  Hope tomorrow is as fun!

More on Santa day...

This really was a terrific day!  Here are some pictures of my cousins and I where we all met Santa!!



Today wa a special day...I got to meet Santa and tell him what I want for Christmas!  It was so fun!  We go to the same place every year (have gone here since I was 1) and we love it!  It is downtown near where mommy and daddy work and Santa is only here one day out of the whole year!

Since I am a pro at Santa meetings, this was really fun!  They called us in and I ran right up to him and sat on his lap!  I told Santa I wanted an American Girl Doll, a guitar and a band.  He and I got to talking and he asked me what my favorite music was and then we started talking about Justin Beiber.  It was so cool!

I love meeting Santa....he even gave me a candy cane!

Anna and Ashley also got to meet Santa today.  It was fun to see them and play with them!

After Santa we went to City Market and shopped was such a fun and beautiful morning!
