Sunday, June 2, 2013

I can READ!!!

Yesterday at Costco mom and dad got me the Bob reading collection.  We picked out 2 collections - collection 1 and the sight words collection.  We started with Collection 1 and in no time I was sounding out words and reading them on my own!

Mom and Dad are so proud of me...and I am proud of myself!  Each time I would read a page I would screech with delight and get SO excited!  Last night I read 2 books all on my own - no help from mom and dad!

This morning I worked on yet another book....I am on my way to being a reader!  I can officially say I have read 2 books ALL BY MYSELF!  YIPPEEE!!!!!!

Here is a picture with me and the VERY FIRST book I ever read by myself "Mat"!!!