Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Blog Quota

It appears that mommy has to either delete photos from the Blog or buy more memory for the Blog as it appears we have gone over our memory quota from Google.  Such a bummer.  Mommy is torn - she does not want to spend a monthly fee (although it is really small) to maintain the blog with added pictures, but she does not have the heart to delete the precious pictures from when I was a baby. 

Looks like we will be buying more memory this weekend!  More pictures here we come!

Voicemail for mom

Yesterday mommy was at a doctors appointment.  When she got out of the appointment she had this voicemail:
"Hi mommy, it's Kate.  I want to eat dinner at Nama and Papa's with Tom.  Can I and can you pick me up later?"

Mommy laughed so hard - I did not ask if "we" could all eat over at Nama and Papa's.  i just asked if I could and basically told her she could just pick me up after dinner.  She thinks I am getting big.


Tom, Meghan and Matt are in town from Texas and boy are we having fun!!!  Yesterday we played and played and hugged and hugged. We even got to have dinner there last night AND tonight!  We have played outside, been on the swings, sprayed each other with the hose, played in the basement, played house, played mommy and daddy and had a BLAST!  Mommy has to do a better job at taking pictures (or borrowing some of Aunt Jenny's)!  Pictures coming soon!


I like to tease Nama and tell her I am older.  I may say I am 5 or 6 or even 13.  It drives her crazy as she tells me she wants me to stay 4 forever!

Summer Camp

Today was my last day of summer camp.  I got to go over to Sydney's house this morning before camp to play.  We did lots of playing and had breakfast and then headed over to camp.  We got to bring our bike to camp and had a bike parade!  I even got a bike drivers license with my picture on it!

Camp was really fun and I can't wait to do more next year!  Mommy learned a lot this year with camps...there are tons of inexpensive, but amazingly fun Vacation Bible Schools through different churches. They typically run a few days to a week at a time,  but they are great. This is the route we will go next year, although I had a blast this year!  I especially loved going to all my camps with Sydney!