Thursday, January 2, 2014

Play date with Addison!

Today Addison, me, Miss Jennifer and mom all had a fun girls day!  We went to the mall and shopped and had lunch!  We saw the brand new American Girl - doll of the year and met real ballerinas and did a craft activity, we also both got to make our own My Little Ponies at Build a Bear!  After a fancy lunch at Nordstroms Cafe we went into Claire's Boutique and Justice!  It was a fantastic day!  Best play date EVER!


Happy New Year!!!!!

Hello 2014!  I wonder what you have in store for us???

We celebrated the new year like we do every year....dinner and fun at Nama and Papa's house!  We played cards, performed to the Frozen soundtrack, decorated napkins (to say Happy New Year), watched a movie, ate tons of food and rang in the new year like champs!  I even won our first official game of cool!

Happy New year everyone!  We love you!
