Friday, November 2, 2012

Lazy Sunday!

We love lazy football-watching Sundays!  I had fun with the iPhone!


Cards with Dad!

I love playing cards.  The other night Dad and I played Go Fish in bed!  How fun!  I won!

Lunch Bunch

I have asked mom and dad if I can start going to lunch bunch at school.  It is right after my normal school from 12-2:30.  We eat lunch and then play for a few hours and I really want to go.  Mommy asked Ms. Paula today and she is going to let us know if Monday or Wednesday class is available. I really want to go!

Playing teacher

This year I really love to play teacher.  I talk to my babies (and even mom and dad) like my teachers do.  I say things like "shh...let's be quiet, we are in Gods house" or "Kris cross apple sauce - spoons in the bowl".  I also love to teach everyone the new sign language prayers and songs I learn.  I make Maybe I will be a teacher when I grow up?

Leader Day!

Today I was the leader at school!  I love being the leader.  I get to be front in line, I get to set the table with papers and name tags, put the stars on the door, check and tell everyone about the weather, sit in the leader chair and bring a show and tell!

This time I brought my 2 autograph books from Disney World this year!  Everyone loved them and wanted to see lots of pictures. I would hold them up to show everyone and the kids would get really excited.  Ike told me I looked pretty in the pictures.  He is so nice!

I did a really good job telling the weather and talking about my autograph books.  Mommy was really proud of how loud I spoke and how I told everyone all about them and answered the questions really well.  i just love leader day!


Happy Halloween!!

It was a hard decision and I changed my mind many times, but I ended up being Cinderella on Halloween!  I was Aurora for a party, Mulan for a few others and finally Cinderella for the BIG event!  I almost had all the princesses covered!!

Our annual Halloween party was a success.  We had lots of people, lots of good food (a chili bar) and lots of fun!

This year we trick or treated for a long time and we collected a TON of candy!  We did our neighborhood and Mills Farm! 

You will  have to see - Aunt Jenny was also Cinderella - we were the SAME!  So cool!

Happy Halloween!

School Halloween Parade!

We had a parade around the school on Halloween.  It was so cool because we all got to wear our costumes and the moms and dads got to stay to watch!  Aunt Jenny and Ashley even watched and then we got to do the parade in front of Anna's class!  It was so cool!

Mrs. Cronin was Snow White and Mrs. Hawk was a cat!  I loved that everyone was in costume!  Happy Halloween!!


Italian Begone!

Tuesday night I surprised mommy and daddy by making them dinner (with Nama's help of course).  When they came to pick me up at Nama's I had a sign at the door "Open for business. Kate / Nama.  Italian Begone".  The sign was for the restaurant I made.  When they came in I sat them to their table.  I was wearing an apron and carrying a waitress notepad.

I named the restaurant "Italian Begone".  When they asked me what the name meant I told them that the Italian food would be so good it would "be gone"!  Hence the name...everyone loved it!

I set the table (even with a table clothe) all by myself.  I was so excited to serve them water, apple cider and then set it all the yummy food: fried chicken, salad, corn and strawberries.  I even brought them cheese and crackers as an appetizer!  They loved it and said they felt so special!

Nama and I ate dinner with them and we had SO MUCH FUN!  I love owning my own restaurant!


Party Prep!!

This past weekend we started getting ready for out Annual Horton Halloween Party!  We decorated, made really cool chocolate pretzels molded in cool Halloween designs and even made some fun decorations!  I love party planning!!



Here is an itchy dress mommy bought me last fits this year.  Wonder what she will MAKE me wear it too?