Saturday, October 23, 2010


I call Papa Ursula and he chases me around!!!

Me and Flounder (Anna!!)

I call Little Anna "Flounder".

Me & Eric!


I love "The Little Mermaid". Nama has the video at her house and I beg her everyday to go down to the "movie theater" to watch it. Nama is Eric and I am Ariel. I call Nama "Eric" all the time. It is such a habit now that even the first thing I say when I wake up from my nap is "Eric, Eric, Eric" (in my Ariel voice of course) and Nama (Eric) hears me through the monitor and comes to get me! When I pretend to be Ariel (or any of my favorite Princesses : Tiana, Cinderella, Belle and Sleeping Beauty) I change my facial expressions and really am a PRINCESS! I love Disney Princesses and can't wait to see all the movies and go to Disney World!

Hair cut

I got my hair cut last week as some of my curls were going crazy (one side was longer and curlier than the other) and my bangs were getting in my eyes. At the salon I got to sit in a pink Jeep and it was pretty cool! The hair dresser was so nice and she did a good job. I was only sad to see my hair did not fit in a ponytail like Belle's for Beauty and the Beast!

School Pictures

I officially had my very first school pictures last week and they are really cute! Mommy was all nervous to lose picture control because the pictures were taken during school time and she would not be able to fix my curls before and be there to make sure I smiled. I wore a purple and pink polka dot dress, pink leggings and my pink diamond shoes!!! I did a really good job and smiled for the photographer. I can't wait to show you all the pictures!

Open House

This week my school had an Open House. Mommy, Daddy, Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick all came with me to the open house! I was so excited to show everyone everything that I was super excited and running around like crazy!

Everyone got to see my classroom, my really cool “just my size” potty and sink, my teachers, my playground and all the fun things I love at school. The teachers had my artwork all around the class and we got to find our stuff and bring it all home! I did an art project while I was there and punched out hearts and apples onto paper for everyone. My teachers told really fun stories about me and my class. They said that my Thursday class loves art and that they always have to set out extra.

We all got to play on the playground and I went up and down the slide TONS of times! After we visited my room we went and got a snack and I got a pink “Presbyterian Church of Stanley Preschool” t-shirt that is pretty cool!

After we had a party and my favorite restaurant…Jalepenos! I got to see my favorite worker “Pat” and learned his name is not Pat…it is “Mitch”! I can not believe I have been calling him Pat for all these years! After Jalepenos I announced that we all should go to the CANDY STORE! What a great night!


Last weekend Mommy, Daddy, Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Miss Mary (Anna’s other Nama) all went to the Louisburg Cider Mill for a tour of the cider mill and to go to the pumpkin patch. We had a lot of fun. The weather was perfect and we got to play and run around all day long. I got to eat homemade cider donuts – YUM and homemade root beer – double YUM!

I got to help push Anna in the wagon and then both Anna and I got pulled! Papa and I then went on our own pumpkin hunt…just Papa and I. We had lots of fun and came back with some great pumpkins….one for Anna, Tom, Meghan and me!!

They even had a tee pee and fun things to play with. I was SO tired after the fun day outside!


Today was my very first day of gymnastics and I LOVED it! It is a 50 minute class at Blue Valley Rec and it starts at 10am. Today Mommy and I went to gymnastics. They let the mommy’s or daddy’s go gymnastics with the 2 year olds and it was super cool! We started the class with a great warm up of stretching and then I tumbled, went on a trampoline, did the uneven bars, went through a really cool obstacle course, climbed and even got to play with the HUGE parachute! I can not wait until next week and the week of that! I kept telling mommy all class “I am a gymnastics girl”.


I have about 8 kids in my class...PLUS Lambie that is. Lambie is a staple in my classroom. Everyone loves Lambie! They even let me pull up a chair for Lambie at the craft table. Miss Alicia and Miss Kianna were so surprised last week when Lambie did not have to come out of my basket until nap time. I am getting more and more comfortable at school every day!

20 minutes

At school last week I made sure everyone in the class knew Nama was going to get her hair cut that day. After nap and during snack time I announced to my teacher Miss Alicia "Nama will be here to pick me up in 20 minutes". Miss Alicia was shocked because it was 2:10 and school is out at 2:30!!!

"Hong Kong"

Mom thinks it is So funny when I say "Hong Kong". I say it just like a little girl who would live there! Mommy is going to Hong Kong and China for 2 whole weeks in a little bit. I am going to miss her So much....but not as much as she says she is going to miss me! Hope she brings me back lots of Hong Kong girl stuff!