Tuesday, December 20, 2011

School Christmas Concert

Last week Daddy, Nama, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came to my school to watch my Christmas performance (mommy could not get away from work - she was sad, but excited that she gets to spend 2 whole weeks home with me over the holidays)! My class performed 3 songs and even did some sign language too.

When the hole class walked into the hall we came in from the back...I was looking and looking for my family and was getting a little nervous because I could not find them - luckily they were in the front of the hall. I was excited to see everyone.

I did a great job singing and signing and kept waving to everyone. Everyone was so proud of what a big girl I have become and how good I am at performing in front of large groups. As my class filed out of the hall I shouted over to Nama Vicki "where is Gracie?" Everyone thought that was funny!

Daddy video taped the whole thing. We did not get any photos though...you just have to trust me that I looked really cute - oh, I also got to stand next to my best friend Meghan!!

Uncle Chris

Uncle Chris got into town today and I was really excited to see him. At first I was a little shy, but it did not take long for me to warm up. We went to dinner at Cheesecake Factory with Uncle Chris and Papa Dick and then I asked Uncle Chris to ride in the car with me to my house! I showed him all the new stuff I have gotten since he was here last and we played a lot. I read him books and showed him some of my home videos!

When we were listening to music upstairs I surprised Uncle Chris and brought out the purple Converse shoes he got me for Christmas last year (I did not want him to think I forgot)...he got a kick out of it! Then I put a special song on the stereo for him and was very excited when he did not know what it was. I kept saying "just wait and you will see why I put it on"...the song was Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind"...then I showed him the cool book. Mom thought I was quite funny to surprise him with a New York song!

I am sorry to say we forgot to take pictures tonight...everyone will need to remind mom to do that all this week!

Can't wait to see Uncle Chris again!

Making ornaments

Today we went over to Nama's house to make salt dough ornaments with Anna and Ashley. It was fun. Aunt Jenny made the dough and then we all rolled it out and made cool stuff. First we all did hand prints, then I did a Captain America shield one, a few stars, frosty the snowman and a Justin Bieber "baby" heart one. They are pretty cool. They took about 6 hours to cook (not sure what happened) and they are still not all dry....so, we will be painting them another day! I can't wait to see the finished product!

After making the ornaments we watched Frosty the Snowman (my favorite Xmas movie). What a fun afternoon!

Not from a store

Tonight when mommy cuddled with me in bed I said to her "mommy, what I am going to get you for Christmas you can not buy in a store. I am going be to a good girl for you every day mommy. I am going to be a good girl every day for the rest of your life. I love you."

That made mommy really happy and she said it would be the best present she has ever gotten. See, I have had a bit of a mean streak in me even since December started. When most kids start to be super good so they get a lot of stuff for Christmas I started to act up. It is not something I am proud of. Both mommy and I hope I can deliver on her Christmas present.