Sunday, December 16, 2012

Annual Holiday Party!!

Last night was the girls night Christmas party at our house and it was SO much fun!  I helped mommy decorate, party plan and make all the food and treats!  At the party I painted Miss Lori's nails, had girl talk (and boy talk), ate some yummy food and loved being an adult for the night.  I love it when this party comes around every year and this year was no exceptions!

Here I am before the party.  I was so excited for it to start that I kept asking over and over when everyone was going to be here...

Here I am waiting on the steps for our first guest to arrive!

Miss Lori's nails...I did such a great job!

Me and the girls!  Miss Dawnielle could not be there, but we all missed her!

Holiday Decor...

We had our annual holiday party at our house last the house is all ready for the festivities!!!
