Sunday, August 24, 2014

Piano make over!!!

Here is our new piano BEFORE...

And AFTER mom painted it with Annie Sloan chalk paint!!

Success!!  We love it!  Now for some lessons and Christmas Carols!!

Bingo for a cause!

Last night mom and I went to a benefit event for Baby Florence to raise money for her and her family!  Florence's mom works with mom at Hallmark and some of moms work friends and their families went.

We had a great BBQ dinner and yummy desserts, played lots of bingo, played the raffle and tried to win lots of silent auction stuff!  We won a fairy basket for me, a visa gift card and 2 hours of decorating consultation with a designer and a gift card to a salon.

It was a really fun night for a great cause!!! We are saying prayers that Florence gets to go home soon!!


New Piano!!!

We have been wanting a piano for our basement...we have the perfect spot and I am going to take lessons!  We were super lucky when Miss Lori offered to give us her piano, as they got a new one!

The movers delivered it yesterday and we had fun playing on it last night!  Mom painted it coming!!!


First soccer game of the season!!

This week was my first soccer game of the season.  It is my same team I have been with for the past year...all TCE girls! This season we are the Silver Storm!

It was a super hot morning, but we had lots of fun!  Papa Dick, Nama, Papa, uncle Rob, Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley, Abby, mom and dad were all there...I had a crowd!  Dad is one of my coaches...that is really cool!

After my game we went to watch Anna's game and then went out to lunch with Papa Dick!!
