Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fun with all my cousins!!

I have such great cousins and I just LOVE it when we all get together! Aunt Carolyn, Tom, Meghan and Matt are all in town for a long time and I am so happy! This weekend they are starting their stay at Nama's and Papa's and will be there for almost 2 weeks!! I can not wait to play, play, play all day long! Here are some picture of us playing like crazy this weekend!

More about the wiener party....

I almost forgot to mention some other really cool parts of our wiener party! Papa made 10 different types of sausages and wieners for appetizers. We got to try wieners from all over the world! It was so cool and yummy!

In addition to the wieners we decided to enhance the unhealthy party with a fry contest! We friend all kids of appetizers....the winners were Uncle Rob's fried artichokes and my fried mozzarella sticks! So YUMMY! We ate and ate so much we did not have room for our fried desserts (snickers and oreos)! We did however have room for snow cones! We even got to make the snow cones in the screened in room!

Here is what is left of the friend goodness (onion rings, artichokes, cheese, mozzarella sticks. mushrooms.....MMMmmmm)!!

And the Wiener is.....

This weekend we had a family Memorial Day weekend Wiener Party! It was SO MUCH FUN! Each family member (kiddos included) submitted their famous wiener toppings all on a hot dog! We had 14 entries in all and there were lots of YUMMY wieners! We had awards from best presentation, best overall wiener to worse wiener!

It was a blast and we hope to make it an annual contest that is. We may change up the type of food!

Here were all the submissions....

Here is Ashley's wiener (in Papa's underwear)!!
Here is Meghan's crazy m&m wiener!

Here are Aunt jenny & Uncle Rob's wieners (Aunt Jenny won for Best was yummy)!

This one is funny....I think it is one of Aunt Carolyn's

Here is Daddy's philly wiener...he won 3rd place overall and best looking wiener!

Here is my yummy wiener called "Nacho Ordinary Princess". It was an ode to 3 of my favorite things: princesses and cheese dip and Taco Bell!

Here is Mommy's BLT wiener -it won 2nd best overall and best presentation. YUMMY!

Here is Nama's wiener with really yummy sauerkraut!

Here is Anna's mac 'n cheese wiener.

Here are some more wieners....there were a lot more too!

Here we are celebrating our awards for best wieners!

Here we are playing after...what a fun day!

First trip to the pool this year...

and all I can say is FREEZING!

Bathing Suit 2011

Here is one of my new bathing suits for the season! I love it! I especially LOVE the flowers. Mommy loves the hat, but it is only for pictures (at least that is what I told her)!