Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quarantined Life: Edible Cookie Dough

In my effort to try something new everyday, I made homemade edible cookie dough today!  It is amazing and we plan to make ourselves cookie dough ice cream for dessert tonight!  Thank goodness we went on an hour walk and I did my 30 minute dry land work out today!  YUM!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Coach Kate

I want mom to become a better volleyball player because she needs help!  Today I gave her her first lesson.  She was able to pass a bit better, but we have a lot of work still to do!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Social Distancing Walks

We have been going on a ton of walks since being quarantined!  Today we met the Utting's and had a  social distancing walk!  We stayed within 6' of each other with them on the sidewalk and us on the street.  It was super fun to see friends and chat for the hour long walk!  We decided to make it a daily event! 

Someone set up a little area near the pond where you can grab supplies to make notes and art projects for those needing their spirits lifted.  They even included wipes to wipe down what you touch.  Such a cool idea!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Towels, towels and more towels

Mom is amazed at the HUGE amount of kitchen towels we go through every day.  We seriously use about 12 kitchen towels a day with all our cooking, baking, wiping and staying clean. 

I also hope mom and dad stock up on dishwasher detergent.  We are doing tons of dishes and I would HATE to have to hand wash!!!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Banana Bread

Nama sent me her banana bread recipe, mom vacated the floor (she can't stand bananas) and I made my first ever banana bread.  In fact, it is likely the first ever banana bread made in our home!  I had it for breakfast this morning and it was amazing!!  We have 3 more browning bananas that I will turn into another loaf to freeze!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: House Party Bingo Night

We downloaded the House Party app, made our own Bingo cards and chips and got all ready for the 7pm family Bingo party!!  The Stilley's, Nama, Papa and us all played.  Papa had really fun prizes for each game:  1lb kabossi, 6 pack of Corona, 2 rolls of toilet paper, DQ Dilly bars and buster bars, $5 Target gift card and more! It was so fun to "be" with family from afar.  I am looking forward to another game night VERY soon!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Homemade Dinner

We put our homemade flour tortillas to work at dinner last night!  It was an amazing taco dinner complete with homemade taco meat, tortillas and cheese dip!  While we don't like being couped up, we sure have had fun cooking and baking!

Stay well,