Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Aunt Jenny

Aunt Jenny is watching me for two whole weeks while Grama is in Texas with Meghan and Tom! I am having so much fun with her already! One day we stayed at Aunt Jenny's house and we got to go to the pool and splash park! I kept Aunt Jenny so busy by making her take me to the pool, then the splash park, then the pool, then the splash park!! I love to go back and forth! It is so cool she will do almost anything I ask her to do!! I can't wait to tell Anna that I trained her mommy for her! Anna will thank me for that!
I wonder what fun plans Aunt Jenny has lined up for tomorrow?!

Bless You!

I have learned to say "bless you" after people sneeze! Actually, I say bless you after I tease them and imitate there sneeze (or cough for that matter)! Today when Aunt Jenny was over watching me all day (she is watching me for 2 weeks while Grama is in Dallas with Meghan and Tom) I sneezed and told myself "bless you"! Everyone thought it was adorable...I guess I'll keep it up!

More Paci's

I think you all know by now how much I love my pacis...all of them! In fact, they are my best friends! I am not sure if I ever told you, but I love to go to bed with 3 pacis!! One in my mouth and one in each hand! I keep asking mommy "more pacis" until she gives me all three. Sometimes I even ask for four!! heehee! I love my pacis!