Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It took MANY attempts, but we finally WON this little green elephant on the claw game at the arcade at the Pittsburg mall!!  WooHoo!  Thanks Papa Dick and Uncle Chris!


Nama Vicki & Papa Dick's house

Here we are having fun at Nama Vicki & Papa Dick's house!   I love going to Pittsburg!


Merry Christmas!!

We are so lucky to have had so many Christmas celebrations!  Today we went back to Nama and Papa's house for a nice Christmas day and dinner!  We got to celebrate with Gigi which was really nice! 

We got there around 1:00 and I rested for a bit and watched Home Alone 3...it was a cute movie!  I also helped Nama make her yummy beef tenderloin (maybe I want to be a chef when I grow up...) and then we had happy hour!

When Anna and Ashley got there we played together and even got to help Gigi open her Christmas gifts!  We had a wonderful dinner then headed home to play with my toys again!

Ho Ho Ho!  Merry Christmas!

Thank you Santa (and mom and dad)!!!

Santa came last night and I woke up to such an amazing scene...an entire band set up in my living room...he really listened to me when we talked!  It was such a great Christmas morning as mommy, daddy and I opened great presents and then got to spend the entire morning playing with everything!  I really got some cool stuff and we are going to have so much fun playing with this stuff!

In addition to the band I got some fun accessories for Taylor (my new American Girl doll) - she got an outfit, a wardrobe to hold all her stuff and her vary own bed!

What a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve!!!

We always spend Christmas Eve with Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Uncle Chris, Gigi and Gipa....and it is ALWAYS so much fun!  This year we had a wonderful Christmas.  We started by going out to lunch at the Mall Deli, throwing pennies in the fountain and even winning a little green elephant (I named her "Ellie") at the arcade! 

We had a yummy lasagna dinner and then the FUN began...and do I mean FUN!  We all opened tons of presents and had a great time hanging out!

I got such great stuff...thank you everyone!  The highlight must be my American Girl Doll...I named her Taylor (after a few names, I think this one will stick) and I just LOVE her!  I also got lots of accessories and clothes for Taylor, a watch, a fun map of the USA game to play, Merida costume, Brave movie, Tinkerbell stuff...and I could go on and on...it was AMAZING!


It was such a wonderful time...Merry Christmas!