Sunday, June 16, 2024

Key West

 While Kate was in Spain, Todd and I went to Key West!  We were pleasantly surprised at how much we loved it!  Our resort was gorgeous- the oldest hotel in Florida that was just remodeled right on the beach and we loved how close everything was, the fun of Duval st and how easy it was for meals!

We did a wave runner tour around the island, explored the island, saw the most southern point in the USA, but spent most our time lounging at the pool while we overlooked the ocean.  Perfect week! ❤️ 


 Kate had a once in a lifetime experience and went to Spain for 11 days with her schools Spanish group.  They stayed in Madrid for a few nights, at a host families home for 3 nights and in Barcelona for 4 nights.  Her favorite thing was the last day at the beach but she saw so much and shopped a ton!  They visited cathedrals, ancient towns, soccer stadiums and everything in between. Each day they had about 3-4 hours on their own where they grabbed lunch, shopped and explored the areas.  She had a blast but was sure ready for American food!! We sure missed her but thrilled she created such great memories!