Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fimmen Clan!!

This weekend was FULL of partying fun because most of the Fimmen's were in town. Gigi, Uncle Bob, Uncle Jim, Aunt Pat, Uncle Lee, Christy, Jon, Chris and Sara were all at Nama and Papa's house! We were celebrating Uncle Bob's retirement!

It was so much fun! I got to learn which Great Uncle is the funniest (I am going to keep it a secret), teased my Uncles by withholding kisses, played with Sara and read books and blew Jon and Chris kisses!! I have also got to spend a lot of time with Gigi since she has been in town!

We have had a BLAST!

Swim Lessons!

Swim lessons started last weekend and I am already learning so much! I was already comfortable with the water...these lessons are to teach me to swim! My swim coach is Miss Angie....BUT, this week we had Johnnie because Miss Angie is on vacation. Let's just say I was not too thrilled to have a boy teacher, but once he warmed up to me I loved him! In fact, after I asked mom and dad if Johnnie could be my coach the next time I take lessons!

So far I have learned to float on my back (they say that is the key to learning to swim) and have practiced with a float bar and other cool things! I think I will be swimming in no time!