Monday, August 27, 2012

Just like mommy...

Here I am all dressed up and ready to go out to dinner the other night.  Mommy had on her skinny jeans and I wanted to be just like here.  She was also wearing a black tank top and, I did too!  Like mommy, like!

Ballet and tap!

I have ballet and tap every Saturday at 1:30 and I LOVE it!  Here are some pictures from this week!

They put a star on my right tap shoe so I know what to do then...

All ready to dance!

Here is one of my dance teachers showing us some moves!

Here I am doing the moves she just taught me!

Mommy Shop is 2!

This weekend Aunt Jenny, Anna, Ashley, mommy and I went to a little party the Mommy Shop (a kid boutique) had to celebrate its 2nd birthday.  Although not a huge event, it was free and fun!  We got tattoos, our faces painted, had balloon animals made and even got to get our pictures taken in a photo booth!

Here I am getting a tattoo done on my hand!

Anna is showing off her tattoo and doggie she had painted on her hand!

I had a unicorn painted on my face!!


Here we are in the photo booth - believe it or not, this was a better picture than the one's the photo booth took!

Here I am with my balloon....we set them on the ground and they started popping....then none of us wanted anything to do with them!

Watching the balloon man - see him in the background.  He was really silly!

Jeep time!

I have become an excellent jeep driver.  So good that I think I should get my drivers license!  I can reverse, drive really fast and even park like a pro!  I love showing everyone that comes over my driving skills!!
