Sunday, August 7, 2011


Here is the first conversation mommy and I had right when I woke up yesterday morning:

Me: "We are going to Pittsburg today mommy. I wonder what color rental car daddy is getting?"

Mommy: "giggle giggle"

And to think no one even told me daddy was going to rent a car. I am a good guesser....or daddy is really predictable.

I wanted a red or pink car...he got a white one. Oh well.

I was sad

We had so much fun at the wedding yesterday but I was sad. Since we did not get to leave Kansas City until after my nap in the late afternoon and we did not get to stay the night in Pittsburg...I did not get to do what I love to do when I am there! It was such a SHORT trip and all about the wedding that I did not get to play at Nama and Papa's house and I did not get to see Gigi and Gipa. Next time is what mommy and daddy said. I hope next time is soon!

HOT day at the zoo!!

We have been wanting to visit the KC zoo and decided today was to day. It was fun, but HOT!We did not stay long but were able to see the Polar Bear and then spend time in Africa. We road the tram and then took the gondola and saw zebras, birds, giraffes, elephants, flamingos and lots of animals I did not know what they were.

I can't wait to go the Fall! No more summer trips to the zoo for me....I was SWEATY!

Wedding in Joplin!

Yesterday we went to Pittsburg and Joplin for Daddy's cousin Michael's wedding reception. He and Sarah got married in Mexico but had a BIG party in Joplin! When we got to Joplin we ate dinner at Club 609 - a restaurant mommy used to love when she lived there and a favorite place of Nama Vicki and Papa Dick.

After a yummy dinner we drove through Joplin to see the tornado damage. It is incredible and very sad. Mommy's old high school is completely destroyed and her friend Melissa's parents house has already been torn down. We also went and saw the house mommy lived in when she lived there. It was cool to see that.

The wedding was awesome! Amazing decorations, food and fun! It was a Mexican theme since they got married there and they had CHEESE DIP! YUMMY! Also lots of good dessert - iced sugar cookies, candy, chocolate covered strawberries....YUMMY!

I stayed up super late and then we drive home to KC and did not get home til midnight....I am a PARTY GIRL!

Here are some pictures I took...closeup and me and mommy!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Daddy's cousin Sydney and Aunt Christie
Nama Vicki and Aunt Marilyn

Here are some more fun pictures!

Cheese Dip from Ernesto's!! "Better than Taco Bell"
