Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Preschool Book - Starring Me

 Here is a book Mrs. Cronin and Mrs. Hawk put together and sent home with me this week!  It is super special because it is a collections of lots of stuff I did this year. 

Hope you enjoyed it!

Soccer Pictures!


Last Soccer Game of the Season!!

Today was my very last soccer game of the season!  It was such a fun season and I am so glad I am a soccer player!  Mom and Dad already have me signed up for next season and I can't hardly wait!  My Coaches were really great...I was sure lucky to have both Coach Andrew and Coach Kate.  They really showed me how to play and to love the game!

Each game I got more and more into it and I understood the game more and more.  I can't wait until I score my first goal...I bet I do it next season!

After the final game today we all met for a Pizza Party!  It was really fun and I am so glad I played soccer this year!


T-Bones Game!!

Last night my cheer team performed at the opening T-Bones baseball game!  It was so fun!  Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came to watch me!  We were on the field for our cheers and had a really good time!  I had a BIG smile on my face during the whole performance and showed everyone how well I knew all my cheers and dances.  My moves were really sharp...just like a professional cheerleader!  :)  I love cheer leading and can't believe I only have 1 more class this year!


Soccer Girl!

Yesterday was my second to last soccer game and the game we got our MEDALS!  I was really excited for this game because I could not wait to get my medal!  I kicked the ball a bunch and was right in there with the other players!  It was a hot morning, so we made sure I took lots of sips of water between playing!

