Monday, May 22, 2017

ALL A's!!

I had a fabulous report card this semester...all A's!!


Aubrey Bend Middle School Volleyball camp

Today was my first official Monday of summer break and I had a busy one!  I hung out and played at Nama's, then went to my end of the year Girl Scout party at Urban Air for jumping, playing and pizza!  After, I had my first camp of the summer - a volleyball camp hosted by the coach and players of Aubrey Bend Middle School (the middle school I will be going to).  It was lots of fun.  They taught us some skills and I was able to work on my overhand serve....I am ALMOST there with it!  Once I figure out my technique, I know my strength will push it over the net!  Mom was proud of me that I kept trying to get my overhand serve right while lots of kids were doing what they already knew and did well - there underhand serve. 


Fun family dinner!

After my volleyball game and Ashley's softball game, we all (including Nama and Papa) went out for dinner at Pinstripes and dessert at Decadent Desserts!  We had so much catching up and playing!  It was a chilly night and Anna let me borrow her sweatshirt.  I kept saying "God Bless Anna"!  I love family time!


After party!!

We celebrated the undefeated season with trophies and cookies after the game!  YAY Volley Girls and YAY undefeated season.  Papa tells me it is super hard to be undefeated and some people never play on undefeated teams....I am one lucky girl!


What a game!

We won, we won, we won....all 3 games in the match!  We played Love Crush who is a very good team, but we CRUSHED them!!  I love this sport, my team and coaches!  While the season is over, I can't wait until summer volleyball that starts next week and my fall season with Volley Girls!!
