Friday, December 20, 2013

Annual Christmas light tour!!!

 Tonight we got dressed in our brand new matching family Christmas PJs, stopped at McDonald's for hot cocoa and went on our annual Christmas light drive!  This year we made a new stop, to Diana Rose Farmstead for a drive in-like lights show (I got to sit in the front seat with Dad to watch it), then we went to Christmas Place neighborhood for lots of cool lights and then made our FAVORITE stop at Pauli's Penguins Playhouse to see and walk through all the inflatable penguins and snow!

It is so much fun and I just love that we do this every year!!!  Merry Christmas!


Family PJs!!!

Mom placed a HUGE present under the Christmas tree a few weeks ago that said "open my on Christmas Eve".  It has been killing me ever since and just about every day I ask her if I can open the present....she says no!

Today I was totally surprised when mom told me that I could open it...YIPPEE!!  It is not Christmas Eve, but I'm not complaining!  To my wonderful surprise the present was matching family Christmas PJs (something I had on my Christmas list)!  They are really awesome!  I told mom that they are the best present I have ever gotten!

Mom, Dad and I all have matching PJs and we wore them tonight on our annual Christmas /PJ/hot cocoa light tour!!  LOVE them!  I was super excited that we even got Dad to wear them...out of the house!  Now, to get him to wear them all day on Christmas...

P.S.  Did you notice each pair has our name on them??  Super Cool!

Christmas Cookies!

Today mom and I spent lots of time making Christmas cookies and candies!  It was lots of fun!  We  pretended that we were at a bakery and I was the owner and would teach mom how to bake!  While we baked we watched a few Christmas movies!  I loved both baking and tasting all the yummy sweets!


Crown Center: Playing

After dinner we headed over to the area at Crown Center with the Majors Christmas tree. It was a beautiful night, so we all played like crazy at the village area they had set up.  We even watched the fountains dance to the music!  It was super cool...and pretty too!


Crown Center: Dinner

 After the Holiday Express we wen to Crown Center for dinner. We were going to go to Fritz's (the train restaurant) for dinner, but the wait was HUGE, so instead we went to a restaurant at the Sheraton hotel.  It was yummy and super quiet (we were one of the only one's there) and we had lots of fun!


KC Southern Holiday Express!

We have made it an annual tradition to go to the Holiday express at Union Station with Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley, Abby, Miss Mary and Mr. Jim (this is our 3rd year).  This year we were missing Papa and Mr. Jim, but we still had a really good time!

We saw Santa - Uncle Rob even got to sit on Santa's lap - Santa remembered him!!!  We walked through the train and took a TON of pictures!  It was so fun.  After we went to Crown Center to play and eat Dinner (that will be posted next)!
