Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Visitors...

Thanks to little Miss Mia we had 3 different sets of Sunday visitors!!  Yippee!  First, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna, Ashley and Abby came over to play in the backyard and see the little girl!  They loved her and can't wait for her and Peanut to play!!

This afternoon Nama and Papa came over and we sat outside and played with Mia.  We even had happy hour....good idea daddy and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon in the back yard!

Then, later this afternoon Miss Lori, Sydney and Ella came over.  They got to meet and hold Mia and then we played in my new bedroom.  We danced and jumped on the bed...totally cool!

I would love to have this many visitors every Sunday!  Thanks for coming to see Mia (and us)!!!  


Introducing.....Mia Horton

It took many hours of thinking and re-thinking, but we finally landed on the name Mia (middle name to come).  We had narrowed it down to Mia, Maya and Maggie....all adorable. I was able to chose the name and we all LOVE Mia!

Some information about her:
  • She was born June 19, 2013
  • She weighed a little over 3ll when we got her
  • Her mom's name is Obviously a Sweetheart and her Dad's name is Solid Rock (kinda funny, huh?)
  • She should weigh 12-15lb full grown
  • She had some salt and pepper brother and sisters in the pack 'n play with her (3 of them)
  • She is jet black with a small patch of grey hair on her chest 
 Her first night at our house went well.  She went straight to sleep, but woke up a few hours later needing to potty.  After she was put back in mom and dad's bathroom she cried and cried and howled and howled for ab out 25 minutes before she fell back to sleep.  She slept then until 5:45am when she started crying again.  After another potty trip she then cried and cried and screamed and screamed until 7am when mommy finally gave up and brought her in bed.  She loves cuddling with us and relaxing.

She is a really good girl!

Get ready for some ADORABLE puppy photos....

Here are some great pictures of our puppy in Pittsburg!  Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Gigi and Gipa all got to play with her!  We went out to Bartos chicken house for dinner and I was SO sad to leave her at the house alone...especially as I heard her crying like crazy at the door!  After some tears (from me) I was okay to go out for a fun dinner!

After dinner everyone came back to Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's house and we got to play, play, play with the puppy and come up with lots of fun names.  Isn't she SO cute???!!!



I got the BIGGEST surprise Ever yesterday....I got a DOG!  Dad told me that he, mom and I were going to Pittsburg for the day.  I was wondering why it was taking FOREVER to get there, but Dad just said we had to stop by some place to get something for Papa Dick and then take it to him in Pittsburg.  It seemed to make sense to, I bought it!

We FINALLY (3 hours and 40 minutes later) arrived in some Missouri town at a building that looked like a log cabin. I asked mom why she was bringing in her BIG camera and she said it was to take pics of something for Papa Dick.  Well, we walked in and was SO confused.  There were pack 'n plays FULL of puppies.  Miniature Schnauzers, Boxers, yorkies...tons of puppies!  I asked Dad if we were getting Nama Vicki and Papa Dick a puppy. He did not reply, but brought me over to all the schnauzers.  I asked to hold some (and did),  but still did not know why we were there.  FINALLY Daddy asked me if I wanted to get a puppy and I was SO EXCITED!  I could not believe it!

We held some different one's, but I really loved the little 8 week old black girl miniature schnauzer.  She stretched on me and snuggled.  Mom and Dad LOVED her, we decided she was the one!

The owner showed me some dog tricks with there dogs and that was really cool - one even jumps over he and my arms!  We hung out for awhile to pay and while our new puppy got some shots and a microchip put in her!

After that we loaded in the car, stopped at Walmart for a few bath towels for her to lay on and drove to Pittsburg.  It was such a fun drive thinking of puppy names and holding our new member of the FAMILY!

I LOVE her already!!!

Here are her 3 brother and sisters (all salt and pepper colored)!!!


Kindergarten Party!!!

Friday night we had a BIG party to celebrate my first 2 days in Kindergarten.  Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Aunt Jenny, Anna and Ashley all came over.  We played tons, read books and had yummy pizza and cookie cake!  I told everyone all about kindergarten and even played school at the end of the party.  I read books to the students and even had to send Papa to the principles office and send his mom an email about his bad behavior!!!

It was a really fun night and a great way to end a fabulous week!!


New Bedroom!!

Here it brand new bedroom all done and pretty!!!  I LOVE it!!!! I love the blue walls, pink and orange bedding and all the goodies in it!  I sure am a really big girl to get such a really big room...complete with HUGE bed!
