Sunday, September 9, 2012

Gigi and Gipa

When we were in Pittsburg yesterday we met Gigi, Gipa, Nama Vicki and Papa Dick at the Mall Deli and threw pennies in the was so fun!  After that we went to the game and then went to Gigi and Gipa's house for cake and ice cream!  I put on a few dance and cheer performances for everyone...they loved all the performances!

We all had a wonderful time!


Go Pitt State!!

Yesterday we went to the Pitt State football home opener and had so much fun!!  I cheered and cheered, went on walks with Papa Dick, sat with mommy, Nama Vicki and her friends and had a great time!

You will never believe it...I video taped was on the jumbo cool!

Here are the pictures of all the fun! 


Camera action!!

Mommy worked yesterday morning while I was at school and then took the afternoon off to play.  We had lots of fun playing all sorts of things...we even had a dance party.  But, she had to get on a work call for a few minutes and our playing had to stop. 

Here is what I did while she was working....I was playing photographer.  Take a look at my playroom - mostly the rooms in my doll house!
