Saturday, January 14, 2012

2 Anna's

I had the BEST day yesterday! My Great Uncle Jim, Great Aunt Pat, 2nd cousin Kate and her kiddos (Anna, age 3 and Hudson, age 6 weeks) came into town and staged with Gigi. We went over and played all day and had a blast. Because there are 2 Anna's we called Anna Stilley "Anna Colleen" and Anna Prebble "Anna Katherine".

I can not wait to play with Anna again! Maybe we will have to make a trip up to Minnesota!

Here we all are playing under the dining room table - the PERFECT fort!

Aunt Jenny was pretending we were babies and feeding us before we went night night in the pack in play!

London Bridges falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridges falling fair lady!

Best cousins! I love you Anna Katherine!




My Christmas present to mom & dad

This is the wonderful present I made for mom and dad for Christmas. It is a snowman plate that I painted all by myself at school. Mom and dad just LOVE it and even have it on display!