Saturday, November 3, 2018

Gipa Larry problems

I got a set of graded problems for Gipa Larry and he gave me a C!!!  What in the world!  Mom talked to him the other day and he said he hopes it does not scar me for life! Looks like I have to correct them and send it back.  He also sent me a problem solving problem about President Trump and the tariffs!  So funny!


Jim Devine swim meet - day 2

Today I had a good meet and got a PB on my 50 back!  It was fun to hang with my friends and swim!  After the meet we went out to lunch with the Weninger's at Olive Garden and then headed back home.  There is another day at the pool tomorrow, but I have my first official PVA volleyball practice so I could not miss that!


Jim Devine Swim Meet - Columbia, MO

Mom checked me out of school around 12:30 yesterday and she and I headed to Columbia, MO for my weekend swim meet.  I had one event last night - the 200 IM and dad was going to meet us there as he had a business trip and had to flu in.

Mom and I had a fun drive up listening to Christmas music the entire way!  The traffic was thick, but we got to Columbia with plenty of time to spare, except that the address provided for the pool was not an address the GPS recognized and it took us on a 25 minute wild goose chase!  Luckily we were able to talk to enough MU students and make a few phone calls to finally get to the pool...and just in time for warm ups!

I had a PB in the 200 IM (by 9 seconds) and Dad made it just in time to see me finish the race!  After the race we checked into the hotel and then went out to dinner with the Weninger's and then headed back to the hotel for an early bedtime as we had to be out the door this morning at 6:35!


House progress

In the first week they have completed demo, template out the countertops, did some of the trim work and have laid a good amount of flooring!  We also decided to add a new bathroom counter top to the list of work!  How fun!


Happy Halloween!

We had out annual Halloween party and had a house full of people for a yummy Mexican dinner with even yummier Mexican drinks!  We did lots of fun trick or treating (I was a smarty pants) and I scored the most candy I have ever gotten trick or treating....7 full sized candy bars and a HUGE bag stuffed with lots of treats!  We all came back to the house after to sort and trade all our goodies!  Such a fun night!


Colt Citizen

I was awarded Colt Citizen in my class for displaying virtues. This is the 4th time I have received the award at TCE and is super cool!  I was surprised during the assembly in front of the entire school, mom, dad and Nama!  So awesome!


Choir performance

This week was out first choir performance.  We performed during the spirit assembly and sang a song from Momma Mia.  I love choir!


Swim try outs!

This week I had my swim tryouts to test for the Blue group.  I was super nervous and I really wanted to make it.  Sophia and I tried out together and we both passed!  I am an official Blue Group swim team member!  Yay!


There is a prota-potty in our driveway!!!

Colorado: Day 5

We did not have to leave for the airport until 11am, so we had some time to hang out with Lori and Ryker on our last morning (the girls were back in school and Mr. Aaron was working).  We started by decorating rocks that Miss Lori is going to have all her guests create and she plans to keep them in a rock garden to remember all their guests.  The we went to Colors Coffee shop to chai tea and lattes and our last bit of time catching up before we had to head home. 

It was such a great trip!  We can't wait to go back and visit again soon!


Colorado: Day 4

He had tons of fun the Sunday we were in Colorado!  We started our morning with  a hike through the mountains...and even climbed straight up the face of the mountain!  It was a touch hike and we slid around a bit without having hiking shoes, but it was super fun and we saw a great view!

We watched the Chiefs beat the Denver Broncos at the house and then went to a restaurant close to the house at half time for lunch and to watch the rest of the game. 
