Sunday, April 21, 2013

More chalk art....

I forgot to show you the rest of our masterpiece on the driveway.  Did I mention Daddy washed the cars today...on the driveway....nightmare for my chalk art!  Guess I will have to do some more! Good thing we captures all the great photos!



I just noticed I have posted 1400 Blog posts!!!  WOW....that is a lot of typing!

Chalk Art!

Last night mom and I had a blast making chalk drawings on the driveway!  It was SO cool!  We did a city skyline, lots of streets (we even named them: Metcalf Ave, Antioch Rd, 42nd St, Nieman RD), cars on the streets, we made our house, the sky, some rain and I even made Taco Bell and a parking lot!  It covered almost ALL our driveway!!  We are going to keep adding on to it!  I had so much fun!



 It was FREEZING during yesterday's soccer game!  Everyone had on winter coats and we would slip them off for the game and during our sit times we would slip them back on! Brr!!  Today was a MUCH prettier and warmer day for soccer!


Soccer Girl!

I had 2 soccer games this weekend!  Nama Vicki and Papa Dick came to my game yesterday.  It was fun to have an audience!  I really had a lot of fun.  Out team did really good!  The lesson I learned after this game was to be more aggressive and to go after the ball!  I was a bit timid during the game.

Today's game I did a great job at applying that learning and I did such a great job!  I went after the ball and kicked it a lot!  Our team won (although no one officially keeps score)!  Nama and Papa came to this game and got to see me as a soccer star!  I learned how to throw the ball in and start the play off my kicking it to my team mates!

My doll Taylor has a soccer outfit and she and I both wore them.  She rode with me to the game, but stayed in the car during the game...cheering me on from the parking lot!


Cheer Performance!

I had a cheer performance today at Village Shalom Nursing Home.  It was lots of fun.  We performed all our new cheers and 2 new dances.  I was front and center and did a great job at everything!

This was a busy weekend....gymnastics and soccer yesterday and then cheer and soccer today!  Boy were we busy!
