Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Morning!!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Morning!

I was very excited to wake up and see that Santa had visited our house!  I slept in until about 8:30 (since I could not fall asleep the night before) and when I woke up I found TONS of presents under our tree (along with both Cogsworth and the milk and cookies we left Santa gone)!

I got some amazing presents: Frozen stuff from Santa (including both an Elsa and Anna costume...a HUGE hit), lots of craft stuff and American Girl stuff!  It was a great Christmas!

We hung out and played for awhile, had breakfast and then got ready to go to Nama and Papa's for Christmas day!


Getting Ready for Santa!

We got home from Pittsburg about 9pm on Christmas Eve and we got all ready for Santa to come visit!  We set out cookies and milk and a carrot for the reindeer and then went off to bed.  The problem was....I could not sleep. I fell asleep for about an hour in the car on the drive home and was SO excited for Santa to come that I stayed awake in my room (and then mom and dad's room) until 12:45am!  

Dad kept calling me in to watch the news.  They had a Santa spotter on and they kept updating us on where Santa was.  At first he was in Canada, but then he was spotted in Kansas City and the news told all the kids to hurry to bed so that Santa could visit their houses.  I was really upset I could not fall asleep - luckily I was able to lay in mom and dad's room and was able to fall asleep before Santa came!!


Christmas in Pittsburg!

We love our annual tradition of spending Christmas Eve in Pittsburg!  We got into town and went to lunch at Cafe Del Rio with Uncle Chris and Papa and then shopped at a few stores at the mall.  Then we went to Nama Vicki and Papa Dick's house to play and get all ready for Christmas!

Once Gigi and Gipa came over we had a very early dinner and then had LOTS of fun opening LOTS of presents!  We all go one at a time so we can see what everyone gets!  It is so much fun!  I got some really great presents!  My favorite was the American Girl doll, Saige....she is really awesome and exactly what I wanted! 

Thanks for a great time everyone!  Merry Christmas!!!


Christmas Eve - Drive to Pittsburg

We got an early start the morning of Christmas Eve so that we could have plenty of fun time on Pittsburg on Christmas Eve!  Here are pictures from the car and I were passing the time!



Mom, Dad and I had a lovely festive dinner on Christmas Eve Eve at Sullivan's Steakhouse.  We got all dressed up and went there for happy hour in the bar area and then had a great table for a fun night out!  Mom and I split amazing calamari for an appetizer (my favorite thing I ate) and I had a yummy ceasar salad for dinner (and a few bites of mom's steak)!  It was a great dinner!
