Thursday, February 18, 2010

Last day until....

I am 2! This is the official last day mommy and daddy have to tell everyone my age in months! Goodbye 23 months and HELLO 2!

I am so excited for tomorrow because mom and dad are taking off work to spend the whole day with me! We are going to Wonderscope children's museum to play and then to lunch! After my nap Nama, Papa, Nama Vicki, Papa Dick, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob Rob and Anna are all meeting us at Chuck-e-Cheese for yet another birthday celebration! I can't wait for tomorrow!


Mommy is amazed at all I say...

"I'll wait for you mommy...until you get all ready" was what I told her today when we were in her closet while she got her pjs on.

Mommy asked me "what color is mommy's shirt?" I said "Jayhawk color!" Red that is!!


Bathing Suit

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick got me the prettiest bathing suit for my birthday! Here I am making sure the 2T was the right size…I can’t wait until summer to go to the pool!


My best friend Sydney’s baby sitter had to be in the hospital for 6 days because she had RSV. Luckily Ella is okay! I was lucky enough to get to play for Sydney at Nama’s house for an entire morning! Mommy took off the morning of work and stayed and played with Sydney, Nama and me and we had so much fun! I showed Sydney all over Nama’s house. We colored, played with the jeep, did the balance beam, played pool, ate breakfast and lunch, played in the playroom, walked around and had a blast! I can’t wait until the next time I get to play with her!

Black Eye!

Well, Super Bowl Sunday was not just a rough day for the Colts!!! I was having so much fun with my cousin Tom and running all over Nama and Papa's basement when all of the sudden my face crashed into the table...right into the corner of it! Everyone rushed over to me right when it happened and I had a HUGE purple bruise within seconds! It got swollen so they all made me put ice on it! That is when I got really upset...I hate having to put ice on my boo boos. Well, take a look at the injury! Hopefully my first and last black eye!