Thursday, March 26, 2020

Quarantined Life: Bikes

Today the bikes came out.  Dad filled the tires, dusted off the bikes and we went on our first rides of the spring!  Dad and I rode this afternoon and all 3 of us explored a new trail this evening.  It was so fun and something we will be adding to our daily exercise routine!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Lucky Dog

I am one lucky dog!  Tons of cuddles, walks, walks, walks and more cuddles! 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Cuddles

Still our favorite part of this craziness!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Wreck this Journal

I have started wrecking this journal.  Every page has different ways for you to destroy it.  Mom wants me to do it to break away from some of my perfectionist tendencies.  I am not going to lie- I am having a hard time doing some of the things it suggests!  It wants me to break the spine and take it in the shower....among a ton of other scary things!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Walks and Sunsets

We go on a ton of walks nowadays!  Last nights walk had a very pretty view!

Stay Well,

Quarantined Life: Pretty House

Mom thought our house looked pretty last night when we took a walk.  We had mulch laid, dad mowed the grass and mom put the Spring wreath on the door. 

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Daily Lists

Each night I make lists of what I want to accomplish the next day.  Sometimes, mom has ideas for me.  I agree with some of them - not all of them!  I like the lists because it adds some structure to my day.  Next week we will have to add virtual school to the list!

Stay well,