Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!!!

Yesterday we went to Johnson Farms for the Pumpkin Patch with Nama, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob, Anna and Ashley. It is one of our favorite things to do in Kansas City and it was SO fun! We got there after nap, so unfortunately did not get to play with all the cool stuff they have (cause they closed at 6), but we got to spend a lot of time in the pumpkin patch! We picked out fun pumpkins, rode in the wheel barrels and went on a hay ride!

After the pumpkin patch we went to Minsky's Pizza for dinner and it was SO yummy! They even had a magician who did such cool tricks (he turned 2 bunnies in my hand into 12...crazy)! He also made balloon stuff...I asked for a red sword and pretended like I was a pirate all night long!

It was SO fun!

Swim Lessons

Here are some pictures from before swimming lessons today! I really have so much fun in them! Coach Angie has taught me to hold my breath and go under, to hold my hands just right to swim, to do a stroke and even to try to swim by myself. It is cool! Next week is my last class though...boohoo! Next I am taking gymnastics!!

Mommy's favorite picture of me!!

Mommy loves this picture that Aunt jenny took of me when I was at her house last week. It shows my new wild side!! I love to dance and pretend. Here I am with my hand on my hip (that is popped out). Mommy wants to know where I learned this??