Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Christmas Day" at Nama & Papa's

This morning we woke up nice and early (although not as early as the adults thought...7:15am) to see that Santa DID come to Nama and Papa's house!!!  We were all SO happy!

We opened TONS of amazing presents and had lots of yummy food (as always)!  Thank you all SO much for all the great presents!  The kids got to open our presents firsts and while we played with the the adults took FOREVER and opened theirs (they had as much fun opening presents as we did)!

I got so many wonderful things:  new adult camera and case, Brave bow and arrow, a Rapunzel wedding dress, veil and bouquet, Tinker Bell, pretend makeup, tons of great American Girl stuff (I sure hope I get an American Girl doll to use it all with), a snow globe, games, crafts, and so much more AMAZING stuff!  I am one lucky girl!

We spent the rest of the day playing with our presents and each other.  We had a yummy Italian dinner, played some more and then had to sadly say good bye to everyone! 

I love it when our whole family gets together...we have the BEST time EVER!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Nama & Papa's!

We celebrated Christmas a bit early at Nama and Papa's house this year.  Last night we stayed the night over there since it was "Christmas Eve" and Santa was coming to deliver presents for us to open in the morning.

We had so much fun (AS USUAL) and decorated gingerbread men, had yummy food ALL DAY LONG, played games, watched some movies and had great cousin fun!

Some Christmas carolers came to Nama's door and sang and it was awesome.  So, us cousins decided to be carolers and sing "jingle bells" to everyone. We even had clip boards with the words on it just like the real carolers.  We kept having to take breaks to work on our next "versions".  It was fun!

Some of us slept in Nama and Papa's room on the floor - just like last year!  We watched "how the grinch stole christmas" - just like last year AND then Papa read to us "Twas the Night Before Christmas" - just like last year.

We also set out cookies, milk and carrots for Santa and his reindeer....then went to sleep super excited to Santa to come...


Dinner at the Stilley's!

Thursday night the Stilley's had us all over for a fun Mexican feast that was super yummy!  We got to play with all their great toys and even play wedding in the basement just like we did together this summer!  Take a look at some of the wedding pictures!

Kate (the Bride)

Cousins are SNOW fun!

This is the most awesome week EVER!  Not only is it Christmas week, but all my cousins were together to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!  The Fimmen's came in from Texas on Wednesday night and we were over bright and early Thursday morning to see them. We would have been there earlier, but we had a big snow storm and the roads were bad!  When we got there we had lots of fun playing in the snow and then hugging and playing all day long!  It was great being with all my cousins!

Did you see Aunt Jenny pulling Tom and I on the sled? She tipped us cool!