Monday, January 17, 2011


I am so EXCITED because mommy, daddy, nama, papa and I all get to go to Texas for Tom's birthday party in a few weeks! It is a Pirate party and a pool party! We are going to have so much fun with everyone.

I am really excited because this will be the first time we meet Baby Matt! He is such a cutie and I really hope I can give him a big kiss!


Mommy said I sounded like a teenager (and I don't think she liked it) when I told her "WHAT-EVER" and walked away from her yesterday when she asked me to clean up the playroom. Needless to say, I ended up helping her clean the playroom.

Big Kiss

Last night at bedtime I leaned over to mommy and gave her a super long kiss! When I was done mommy asked where I learned that and I told her...."The Bachelorette". I think mommy is reconsidering my access to TV watching...uh oh!


Mommy told me all about Martin Luther King Jr. day today and it sounds really cool - especially the part where mommy gets a day off work! I wish daddy had off work too though...poor daddy!

Mommy and I played some this morning and then we had a girls day and shopped and played all day! We picked up Nama and went to Oak Park Mall! I really love the mall (and we rarely ever go there)! We went to the Disney Store, American Girl store, Build a Bear, lots of kids clothing stores and a few Nama and Mommy stores. I found exactly what I want for my birthday at American Girl (the cutest twin dolls) and had so much fun looking at all the cool dolls and accessories!

We had a yummy lunch at Panera where I had really good mac 'n cheese, some really cool squeezable yogurt and a couple bites of a heart sprinkle cookie!

After the mall we went to Target because I wanted to see if they put out my favorite Princess dolls on display and guess what....they did! I love that display because I can stand in the cart and press the buttons to hear each of the Princesses singing...totally cool!

After that I had to take a nap, then we went to the grocery store and went home to make dinner!

I love it when there are days off of work for mommy and/or daddy!

Double Ear Infection!

That is right...last week I woke up and said to mommy "my ear hurts". Then I said "my cheek hurts"....mommy knew something was up! Luckily Daddy was able to take me to the doctors that morning and the doctor said I had a bad ear infection on one ear and another one starting in the other....DOUBLE EAR INFECTION....YUCK!

The doctor gave me some yucky pink medicine that Daddy keep saying taste like his bubble gum (doubt it)! It is gross and I freak out every morning and night they have to give it to me. I put my hand over my mouth, gag and throw all sorts of fits until the torture is over. I can tell mommy and daddy don't like it either!

Luckily my ears are better....I just had a horrible runny nose and hacking cough all weekend. We rested around the house and did lots of cuddling and now I am almost back to normal!

Hopefully that is the last sickness I get this winter!