Friday, July 5, 2024

Wedding season

We had to sneak away from the lake on July 5th to attend Kate’s swim coaches wedding.  It was a fun night with swimmers and their families as we celebrated Rob.  After the reception we drove back to the lake to continue the fun!


 The day after Kate’s surgery we headed down to the lake for a good 10 days of rest and recovery!  We relaxed, Kate went through boxes of Kleenex wiping away blood and anything that dripped out of her nose, we went on boat rides, went out to dinner and enjoyed time with mom and dad.  Todd had the week off of work while I worked until the 4th of July break.  We love the lake!


Kate had a really successful sinus surgery where they fixed her deviated septum, removed her adores and reduced her turbinates.  We were prepared for bruising, swelling and lots of blood but she did great with very minimal swelling and no bruising.  The most challenging part was the IV.  They had to put in two IVs as the first wasn’t good- they said her veins were twisted and it was like hitting a brick wall.  Once she was prepped for surgery it was about a 45 minute procedure and another 45 minutes in recovery before I could see her.

She was hilarious under anesthesia.  I got a bunch on video!  She wanted to have the surgery 3 more times, eat Wing Stop (and cried when I told her she couldn’t), and she thought French fries were hilarious!  She had tears streaming down her cheeks and had no idea why she was crying and wanted it to stop. The nurses said teenage girls cry the most under anesthesia and have crazy emotions, including anger!

Todd took her to get the stints out a week later and she was so excited because she can finally breathe!!!!

Mills Farm Swim Meet

 Mills Farm knows how to throw a swim meet!  For their last home meet of the season (and our first since Kate missed so many) they finished it off with a glow party and fireworks!  It was crazy!

Lauren’s Wedding

 Lauren and Nick got married in Akron so, Todd, Kate, Anna and I headed to celebrate with mom, dad and all the Ohio family.  We had an awesome time celebrating at the rehearsal dinner and wedding.  Kate and Anna even got a last minute invitation to the “adult only” wedding and we all danced and partied late into the night!  Kate, Anna and Joe even took over the pyramid tradition at the wedding!! 

We visited grandpa at his new condo at the assisted living center, explored Akron, shopped and even took a tour at Akron University.  It was so nice to see everyone.