Saturday, October 12, 2013

Play date with Sydney & Ella

Last Sunday I went over to Sydney and Ella's house for lunch and a play date.  Sydney had the whole day planned for us.  First we colored, then we played up in their haunted house that Mr. Aaron built in the guest bedroom (it is super cool), we had lunch, we talked, and we even went over to the neighbors to tour the haunted house they were setting up in their garage.  It was an awesome day and I had a blast!  I am so happy we all get together!


Daisy troop field trip: Horse stables

We had a super busy morning and early afternoon today!  First we had Rocky's 12th birthday party - Rocky is Miss Lori's dog and we go to her party every year.  Then I had basketball practice.  After all that we headed out to Lenexa to Steepler's Stables to meet my Daisy troop.  We were late, so missed some information on horses, but we got to tour the stables (they have over 200 horses), watch people ride and go on the playground.  It was a fun time with my friends!
