Monday, September 2, 2013

Pittsburg Gorillas!

Today we stopped in Pittsburg for a short time to drop off Papa Dick, see Nama Vicki and pick up Mia.  We had a quick bite to eat and then stopped to get Daddy some shoes at a store...I got my picture with this guy!!!!  Go Pitt!


Branson- Last night

Last night after the Dixie Stampede we went back to the hotel and landing area and spent the evening there.  We had early show tickets, so we had a big chunk of time to hang out after.  We shopped a bit, walked around, stalked the clown balloon man (more of that below) and then listened to some cool love music.

A bit on the balloon man - I had wanted a balloon animal the entire time we were there and I finally got my chance last night.  Daddy and I finally found him and waited in a long was finally our turn and he said he had to take a break to go to the bathroom and would be back in a few minutes.  So....Dad and I went to get mom and Papa Dick and then we waited, and waited, and waited.  Luckily, some girls were performing and we could listen to them to pass the time.  When he FINALLY came (think he did more than take a bathroom break), he made me the coolest flower!!

After that we went to a cake store for a yummy piece of cake (which I just realized I left in the fridge of the hotel - bummer) and then listened to the live bands that were playing for the MDA fundraiser. It was a great last night in Branson!  We decided we need to go back before Christmas for a Christmas show (the Rockette's or something) and then ride the Polar Express train!  It would be SO fun!


Branson- Dixie Stampede

We went to Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede yesterday and had a great time!  First we walked the grounds and got to see all the amazing horses in the stables. There were HUGE one's and really pretty one's.  

Once we checked in I got by boot mug and fancy drink...really cool!  Then we watched the pre-show of a really cool juggler that did all sorts of tricks.  After that, we went to our seats for the main show!

We had a HUGE dinner that consisted of: a whole chicken (one for each of us), pork, corn on the cob vegetable soup, biscuit, potato and dessert.....all which we had to eat with our hands - NO UTENSILS!  Can you believe it?  We ate that whole meal with our hands!  It was yummy and fun to eat like that and get messy.

The performance was cool.  We saw lots of races - baby pigs, ostriches, name it.  We also saw lots of horse tricks, dances and lots of other cool things.  It was certainly like nothing else I have ever experienced before.  

I got a really cool pink cowgirl hat...that even lights up!  I love it!  I felt just like a country girl!


Branson- foot of chocolate

Papa Dick and mommy were talking about how gross a foot of chocolate sounded when we saw this sign on a candy store on Main Street.  I agreed and added...."I wonder how they dip the foot in the chocolate?"

Everyone thought that was really funny...not sure why?


Branson - Candy shop

Papa Dick, mommy and I hit up a candy store on the landing.  Look at this HUGE jaw breaker!!!  I did not buy it though!!


Branson- Day 2

Papa Dick and Daddy got up early Sunday morning for another round of golf and mommy and I went to a nice breakfast on Main street!  She and I went to a little place called Clocker's Cafe that was wonderful and packed with people coming and going eating great breakfast!

We split pancakes, bacon and was SO YUMMY!

After we walked on Main Street and visited a few Antique stores where I stalked the booths for kid books and mommy looked for milk glass.  Mommy had no luck, but I found 5 kid books...all for $5.50!  I love antique shopping!

When Papa Dick and Daddy got back from golf we went to lunch and had some fun on the landing until our big activity of the day....The Dixie Standpede!


Branson - Book carpet

Papa Dick and I played a game I called "book carpet" in the hotel room before bed.  I layed out all the books I brought and we played store with them....I loved it!


Branson- night life!

We went to dinner at a really nice Italian restaurant near the hotel named "Rocky's".  I had tummy tortellini, Papa and Daddy had spaghetti with meat sauce and meat balls and mommy had manicotti!!  All delicious!

After dinner we walked up main street and went into Dick's 5 &10 - where I rode a pony (for a few hurt my bottom), got some ice cream at a really cute ice cream parlor and even pressed a penny for the first time!  I really liked pressing pennies....think this may become a vacation tradition!

Then we walked on The Landing for a bit and watched the fountains.  It was an early night to bed for all of we had fun things planned the next day! 


Branson - POOL time!!

After a hot day golfing and shopping we went to the beautiful outdoor pool for some cooling off!  It was freezing, but oh so refreshing!



Over Labor Day weekend Papa Dick, mommy, Daddy and I went to Branson for a fun-filled time!  We missed Nama Vicki...she stayed home to watch Mia and to take care of a few things...we sure missed her!

We stayed at the Hilton at the Branson Landing and had a beautiful room!  We actually had 2 rooms....the first was awesome too, but oddly enough, it did not have a shower -just a jetted tub.  Needless to say, we switched to a room with a shower...very crazy!

Here we were eating our first meal at a nice sandwich shop right on the Landing.  After this Daddy and Papa went golfing and mommy and I went to the outlet mall for some shopping!  It was a hot day on Saturday, but we sure had a lot of fun!!
