Monday, May 28, 2012

Baby, Baby, Baby...ohh!

You will NEVER believe it???  Daddy just got us tickets to the Justin Bieber concert in October!  I am SO EXCITED!  Now we just need to get his new CD when it comes out next month to memorize all his songs so I can sing them all with him.  I wonder if I will be his youngest fan their?  Woohoo!

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Memorial Day weekend!  We had so much fun this weekend!

Unfortunately, daddy was really sick today.  He had a fever all day and a really bad tummy ache.  He had to rest because he travels for work tomorrow...hope you are better soon daddy!

Mommy and I went to Deanna Rose Farm today to play and check out the animals.  We went this morning before it was too crowded and hot and we had a BLAST!

Here we are having breakfast and rocking in the shade!
 I am feeding the baby goats. We first went into the pen, but they were hungry and attacked us!  One ate my shoe, they all jumped up on use and even tried to eat my shirt.  Needless to say, we left the pen and fed them from outside!!
 We made an art and craft project together in the school house. It was fun and a cool activity to do (the school house has air conditioning)!
 We played on the swings and then on the playground!
 Here is my finished artwork...a frame for daddy!

Memorial Day BBQ with friends!

We had a great time last night at Miss Michelle and Mr. Chris's Memorial Day party!  All mommy's best friends and their families (even all the kids) were there and we had a BLAST!  We played on the slip 'n slide, in a pool and even danced the night away!  It was so much fun!  Mommy especially loved seeing all the kids play was really neat!  I can't wait until we have another fun party with EVERYONE!

Here I am waiting to go play in the water!
 Pool party!!!
 Chloe and I eating a snack!
 Don't we look like teenagers posing?!?
 Ella, Sydney, me and Chloe!
 Here we are again...all the girls!
 Michael, Luke, Mr, Aaron, Jacob and a neighbor!
 Dance party!!!
 Group HUG!
 We are dancing Queens!
 Happy 7th birthday to Michael and Jacob!!
 Strike a pose!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick!

Nama Vicki and Papa Dick have been coming in town a lot to watch me swim, cheer or just to see me and play with me!  I love it when they come up!

Last day of swimming!

This week was my last week of swimming lessons this session.  Coach Angie taught me lots of great things and I am getting even closer to swimming all by myself!

Here are me and Coach Angie...

 Here is my certificate of participation!
 The back of it described what I have learned and what I can still work on!
