Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 4: Operation No paci...UPDATE

You will not believe it, but I went to bed tonight without crying even one bit! I did not mention paci at all either! Daddy promised to leave the door open when I went to sleep and Mommy rocked me for a little bit. When she put me in bed she pretended I was Dorothy, got me Toto, tucked me in and gave me hugs and kisses. She kept the door opened like they promised and I never dried once! I am a BIG girl!


I like to pretend Tom is here. Sometimes we play baseball together, sometimes we just sit and play with silly bandz! It is fun to pretend, but I sure miss my cousin. I talk about him all the time and can't wait for him to come back into town in a few weeks! I love you Tom!

"I'm Dorothy"

As you all know by now, I love the Wizard of Oz and I love pretending. I am now telling everyone to call me Dorothy - especially when I carry around Toto. If someone calls me Kate I tell them, "no, I'm Dorothy". I even know some of the song already and sing them. Now all I need are the red ruby slippers.

"There's no place like home"

I love the Wizard of Oz and today Nama found a basket and a doggie we called Toto. I pretended I was Dorothy all day long. I even asked to take my nap with Toto. After Nama put me to bed at nap time today she heard me through the monitor saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home...". She thought that was really cute!

Day 4: Operation No paci

Well, nap time went better today. Nama was so proud of me because I did not cry at all and did not even ask for paci one time! Let's see how bedtime goes and if mom and dad will be that lucky!