Friday, August 27, 2010

More Cousins!

I think everyone knows that I will have a new baby girl or baby boy cousin in November. Aunt Carolyn is pregnant with baby #3 and I can not wait to meet him or her. you all know I have another cousin on the way?

That is right...Aunt Jenny is pregnant and is expecting a baby girl or baby boy in February. In fact, the baby is due right on my BIRTHDAY...February 19th! Pretty cool huh?

I am so excited that I will have more cousins to play with! I LOVE my cousins!

Guess what everybody?!?

Aunt Jenny, Uncle Rob and Anna are moving back to Kansas City...and I mean right this very moment! That is right....they are driving here right now and everyone is helping them unpack tomorrow! Uncle Rob got a good job back in KC and they are coming home! Hip Hip HOORAY! I am SO EXCITED!

Driving people BONKERS

So, potty training has not been the easiest thing in the world, but I have done really well. The challenge right now is pooping. I do it in the potty and do not have accidents, but I make a HUGE production out of it. Pretty much all day long I talk about it and say "I have to go poopie", only to wait for someone to get up and help me and then tell them "I don't". When it gets close I throw a real fit and will say "poopie is coming, poopie is coming" and will race back and forth from the potty until it is finally about out. I will not sit on the potty until it is about out! Let's just say it wears EVERYONE out. I have heard mommy, daddy and Nama all say I am "driving them BONKERS"!!


"We live in America." That is what I told Nama today. When she asked me where I learned that I told her from Papa Dick. I learn something new every day!