Monday, August 26, 2013

Come on ring that bell....

Well, we have been taking a training tip out of the Peanut Bandito Stilley playbook and have tried to teach Mia to ring a bell every time we go outside to go potty...and GUESS WHAT???  Today she rang the bell 2 times and went potty outside BOTH times!

Pretty impressive for a 9 week old puppy we have been training this way for 7 days!  Now, we are going to place bells ALL OVER THE HOUSE so she rings the bell when we are upstairs and does not pee on the carpet!  Fingers crossed!
Kate (the big sister and official dog trainer)

An email from Mrs. Richardson!!!

Mommy sent Mrs. Richardson this email:

Hi Courtney,
How can I get Kate's name updated in the school files?  She let me know that her 
name is noted as Katie in all classes and school stuff (except your class).  She 
would love for it to be updated to Kate.

Thanks so much!
Anne Horton

Ps....she is loving kindergarten, her class and you! 
And Mrs. Richardson just sent this one back....OMG:
Hi Anne!

I'll check with the office tomorrow to see how we can change it.

I'm so glad she is loving kindergarten!  She is such a sweet girl and is the 
PERFECT student!!  I'm lucky to have her in class! :)

Isn't that AWESOME!!!???!!!


Here is a picture of Mia taking a nap on mom's briefcase today while mom worked from home!!  can you see her?  She is camouflaged!  How funny!