Sunday, March 4, 2012

Turtle Artwork

I made a turtle out of a paper plate, tissue paper and construction paper at school! I love him! Every day I bring home art projects from school. Since I do so much art we are going to take pictures of it and blog it...that way we do not have to keep everything! Our artwork file was getting crazy! We will only keep our very favorite stuff! So....more Kate artwork to come!

Kate's Snow Mom Artwork

Here is the Snow Mom I made in preschool! Isn't it cool!!

4 year old check up

Since we were visiting the doctor daily, mommy decided to schedule my yearly check up in there. Doctor said I am growing just as I should and all is great with me! I weigh 40.4lbs (84th percentile) and am 41" tall (75th percentile).

I had to have 2 shots...YUCK! I was a brave girl, but cried for a few seconds, then was good to go! My next visit is not until I am 5...hopefully I have a healthy year and do not have to see the doctors until then!

Finally Healthy!!!

After 5 doctor appointments in 8 days I am happy to say I am now a healthy girl! It turns out I had a virus that kicked my bottom! I had urine tests, blood tests, finger pricks and all sorts of yucky stuff! The virus was not fun and had me running a fever for over 5 days with a bad tummy ache. Because of the virus I had ketones in my urine (and had to do more tests for juvenile diabetes, which all came back okay) and had a heart murmur (but just a temporary one and luckily I did not have to go in for the ultra sound they were talking about)...we are all very grateful all of this was temporary!

On top of the virus I somehow got pink eye (likely from all the doctor visits) and that was NOT FUN! After 7 days of painful eye drops (mom said they were more painful for her...she had to put them in my eyes 2 times a day) my eyes are back to normal!

Hopefully March will be a healthy month!