Friday, March 20, 2020

Quarantined Life: Happy Hour

I have been making us happy hour every day.  Mom, dad and I are loving our homemade Shirley Temples (Sprite Zero + 2 spoons of grenadine)!  Sometimes mom has a Truly instead, although I know she prefers my drink!  We need to put more Sprite Zero on our online grocery list....hopefully there is stock!  Cheers!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Homemade Tortillas!

Well, we are now officially a bakery and trying new things all the time.  Today we made homemade tortillas and while they were fairly simple, they felt like the most dramatic thing we have made thus far!  We have always wanted to make them and we finally did!  And....they taste amazing!  We already tried as cinnamon and sugar roll ups.  Dad is going to make cheese dip tonight with our dinner to dip them in.  If we can't get to a Mexican Restaurant, we might as well become a Mexican restaurant!

Stay Well,

Quarantined Life: 1:00 webinar

I had a webinar at 1:00 today!  Just like mom and dad, I had an appointment and had to get all ready and set up in my room!  I got dressed and ready in order to hear all about "how to stay in shape during quarantine" hosted by Fitter and Faster Swim.  It was actually pretty boring, but I got the highlights and then Dad and I went on a walk while mom had a conference call!  I liked having something on my calendar!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Mia Cuddles

We think Mia is loving us being home.  She gets lots of extra walks, cuddles and play time.  She is probably exhausted though!  We are sure glad she is here with us!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Dragonwood

We continued our game playing with Dragonwood last night!  We sure love that game.  Can you believe that Dad won one???  haha

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Cinnamon Pin Wheels

Mom and I made cinnamon pinwheels with the extra pie dough.  Mom said that she remembers making something similar with her family.  We even made some homemade icing to drizzle on top.  I have to say...these were fantastic!


Quarantined Life: Apple Pie

Mom and I made a homemade apple pie last night....complete with homemade pie crust!  We were pretty proud of ourselves for a yummy pie and continuing our bucket list item of "bake new items".  Wish we could share it with everyone!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Jalapenos

We are following rules and staying in our home for everything but walks outside, the occasional grocery store run and (for the first time yesterday), to go food order from Jalapenos. Restaurants are closed for everything but take out and there is a request to continue to support local establishments, yet do it safely.

So, we ordered dinner last night and Dad picked it up.  We followed the advice of doctors and made sure we microwaved our dinner once we brought it home and wiped down and disposed of all containers with a Clorox wipe.  We are taking this thing seriously, but did enjoy our favorite meal!

Stay well,

Quarantined Life: Christmas?

We saw this on CNN last night (mom and dad seem to always have CNN on).  People are suggesting we put our Christmas lights back on outside to spread cheer.  How cool, although a ton of work!  Hope all our neighbors participate!!  Perhaps we should all wrap our trees by the road?

Stay well,