Friday, January 30, 2009

Rocky Rock on my Horsey!

Hello Everyone!

Updates on me...
  • I love to "shake, Shake, Shake" my bottle, cups and everything that makes noises or has liquid in it...just like mommy, daddy and Grama taught me!
  • I have this fun new game where I drink lots of water and then spit out the water - kinds like a cool waterfall! I think it is hilarious!
  • I witnessed my first presidential inauguration (is that how you spell it)!
  • I love my Little People villages, bus and toys and Grama Fimmens!
  • I love to point at everything
  • I am one friendly baby and say "Hi" and "Bye" to everyone! It is really fun when strangers say "hi" back to me - it makes me smile!
  • I love my toy box I got for Christmas - i love to open and shut it over and over again and to pull out all the toys I can reach so I make a huge mess in the living room!
  • Oh, the living room is pretty empty because we are waiting for our new furniture to come. I never want it to come because I have that room all to myself as one big playroom!!
  • When we walk up the stairs I like to hold on to the railing just like grown ups do!
  • I ate half of a banana at Grama's house! I hate getting my hands dirty so I don't like her to put it on my tray for me to pick up and eat...I prefer to take big bites out of it myself!
  • I say "uh oh" when anything is dirty or out of place. If there is a crumb on the floor I have to let everyone know the house is dirty and we must clean it up right away!
  • I love to play with Murphy's toys. I get in her toy box and try to hand her toys. I even like to throw Murphy her ball!
  • I got my bottom right 2nd is my fifth one!
  • I really love to "put things where they go" when mommy asks me to. I put my diaper paste in the basket, the diapers where they go...I love to help mom get organized. I would rather not help put toys where they go are for playing with!

Well, that is about all that is new with me! I will make sure I keep you posted! This weekend I get to experience my first Super Bowl!!! How fun!




Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New stuff...

Some new stuff I do:
  • I wave my hand in the air to make the sensor in Grama's alarm system turn red! Just like Grama taught me!
  • I say "Moo" when mommy asks me what a cow says
  • I say "uh oh" at all the right times. I have been doing that for awhile now, so I may have already told everyone!
  • I sometimes say "uh oh" before I do something that I should say "uh oh" to...for example "uh oh", then I drop my sippy cup!!! It is so funny! I crack myself up!
  • I put my hands in the air upside down when I am "all done"
  • I point at what I want
  • I say "uha" when I want to do something. For example: Grama may say "Kate do you want to read a book"....and I say "uha"! Pretty cool!
  • Have I mentioned I say "hi"?




"Very Contagious"!!!

Well, the doctor was right...I am very contagious! Mom and Dad took me to urgent care at Children's Mercy Sunday night after I came down with a horrific flu Sunday morning at 4am! I have not been feeling good ever since and I have gotten everyone sick that saw me Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday (with one exception...let's hope Grandpa Dick does not get sick)! I am so sleepy and yucky feeling that I will not eat solid foods and they had to cut my fluid intake a bit so I would stop throwing up. Everyone is making sure I do not get dehydrated though...they even went so far as to try to give me disgusting Pedialite via syringe...I let mom know how mad that made me and threw up all over her and the kitchen counter! I'll show her to try to force me to do something I don't want to! I really love cuddling right now and resting whenever I get a chance - even right on my blue bounce ball.

I feel so bad I got everyone sick...little old me! Who knew something so tiny and adorable could be such a germ carrier! If everyone had the same thing I had...yuck! At least I have someone to clean me up and take care of me! The doctor said that if I don't feel better by Friday that I need to go back in...let's hope I get better!

I am sorry to everyone I made sick and hope everyone gets to feeling better very soon!

I Love you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, I now say "pa pa" for Grandpa - isn't that cool?! Yesterday I helped Grama Fimmen do the laundry...I pulled out each item from the dryer and handed it to her so she can fold them! Below are some pictures with me playing with lots of money - I know money is dirty, but I could not resist. Mom and Dad sold there couches and I tried to "borrow" the money for my piggy bank! My favorite food is my mom's homemade mac and cheese - it is so good I can eat lots of it like a big girl!

Watch me walk...that is right, walk (with some help)!!!

Just the other day I thought it would be cool to give this new toy a try and guess what...I can walk with it! This new freedom is so cool - I just love walking and can't wait until I can do it on my own (this may be sooner that Mommy and Daddy are ready for)!!




Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Tricks

76d54zbg fhnmd x- we 2 ` - Love, Kate..I typed this time!

I decided I should update you on some of the fun new things I do. Well, I can crawl really fast and I like to crawl with my bottom in the air and my knees fun! I can stand for just a second by myself - once I notice I am standing on my own I get freaked out and get excited and fall! I stand and creep against furniture and people. I love to follow mom, dad and Murphy. When mom tells me it is bathy time I crawl right into the bathroom ready to play and get cleaned up! I think it is super fun to scoot myself along the tile floor!

I say "hi" a lot and give many hugs and kisses (opened mouth ones that get you wet)!! I still jibber jabber all the time and am always so busy (no wonder I need my naps)!

I can hold my own bottle and put myself to sleep! I now eat big girl food (although I still get most my nutrients off of my baby food, cereal and formula! I have tried hamburgers, flour tortillas, pears, guacamole, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, pizza, french fries, ice cream, green beans, bread, crackers, and lots of other fun things!

I have some major curls in the back of my hair. Mom and Dad think they are super cute!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I celebrated my first New Years eve with my mom, dad, Murphy, Grama and Grandpa Fimmen, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob. Everyone came over to my house and we had a big fajita bar!! It smelled super yummy!! I got to wear a New Years hat and everything. I did not get to stay up until midnight, but did get to wish everyone a happy 2009 before I went to bed! I did get to stay up late though...I did not go to bed until around 9pm!! I was super sleepy though and fell asleep and Grama while we were watching Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob's wedding picture video! I can't wait to see what 2009 has to bring!! Wonder how it will be like to be 1 year old???

On Tuesday it was Aunt Jenny's Bday and we all went down to the Plaza to celebrate with her! It was my first trip to the Plaza and I got my picture taken! I did not get to walk around much because it started to get cold, but the lights were cool!

Love you!