Friday, May 29, 2009

My likes and updates!!

I thought tonight I would post a little update on what all I am doing now a days!! I try to repeat what everyone is saying and like to "say" the following words:
  • "I do"
  • "I go"
  • "Boo Boo" - when I have a scratch
  • "Hi Murph:
  • Hi mama, dada"
  • "out da door"
  • "wash" - to wash my hands or things!! Grama lets me clean my toys
  • "brush" for hair brush or comb and I love to brush my own hair! I even say it for tooth brush and love to brush my teeth
  • "butt paste" - my ointment for my bottom to prevent diaper rash

I love to kiss Murphy (and she loves to kiss me back)! My mom and dad do not have a door on their shower, so it is really cool to walk right on in and get all wet with them!! YIPPEE!! I repeat everything...I even like to tease people who cough or sneeze by mimicking them and then laughing!! haha!

I love sidewalk chalk, bubbles, being outside, school buses, trucks (especially garbage trucks...I love trash day!), playing in water, playing in my closet, Elmo, any kind of stuffed animal that is soft, duckee, baby Bella and all sorts of other things!

I love to play with straws in the water cups at restaurants and try to get drinks by taking the straw out of the water (just like mom and dad used to do for me before I could really drink out of a straw...except, I have not mastered how to hold the top of the straw to catch water and then letting it go in my mouth - one day soon though!).

One of my favorite things to do now is to "chill". I will lay against anything and anyone and relax and sprawl out! I especially love to do it against pillows!! Grama F. got me a fun red adirondack chair I can chill in that is just my size and I LOVE it!

Every time we drive to our house and I see the horse statues I say "Nay"! I also love to go 1,2,3...wee! on the big bump on the road on our way to Grama and Pa F's house!

I can kinda count...when someone says "1", I sat "two"! Grama F has a table at her house just my size that has the alphabet on it and I say "e,e,e,e,e,e" day I will learn to say "a,b,c,d,e"...I am working on it!

My mom has some safety baby Qtips she sometimes uses in my ears after a bath...I can even do it myself! It is so fun!

I now have 10 teeth...4 bottom middle, 2 top middle and 4 molars (2 on top and 2 on bottom)! I can chew like a champ!!

Well, as soon as I learn some new stuff I will let you know!




Sunday, May 24, 2009

Family Vacation!

Some of you probably wondered where I have been. Well, Mommy, Daddy and I went on a family vacation for 1 whole week in Destin, FL! We had so much fun! We had a really long delay at the airports and got to Florida 7 hours later than we were supposed one was happy about that, but once we got there it was AMAZING! I loved the pool - and even say "pool", but did not want to get close to the ocean or the sand for the matter...Yuck! I loved to sit and walk out on our balcony and watch the ocean and all the big waves though. We had an amazing was like we were in the ocean we were so close! Mom liked to have the door open to the balcony all the time so we could hear the wave’s crash!! I liked it too!

We went out to eat at some really fun even had alligators I got to see! I was adventurous in my eating this trip!! I learned I love McDonalds Chicken McNuggets! I had some good pizza and lots of bites of whatever mom and dad were eating! Luckily we had a kitchen at the place we stayed and I could have my favorites for lunch...mac n' cheese and hot diggity dogs!!

It was really windy for the entire trip so it was sometimes a bit cold at the pool so we played on the sundeck and I would walk on the beach with mom and dad as long as someone held me really tight. I acted like a monkey and squeezed them so tight with my arms and legs to make sure they did not set me down in that sand!! I would say "no no no" as we got close to the ocean. I trusted that they would not let me down so it was ok!

We did lots of shopping and they bought me some fun stuff! The first few nights I did not sleep in mom and dads room, but then it was a miracle and they let me sleep in their room with them! It was so cool! In the middle of the night I would cry for them and not let them lay me back in the, I got to sleep right there between them. It was awesome...I hope we continue this at home and make it a tradition! Although I think mom and dad have other plans for my sleeping arrangements! Darn!

There was not a highchair in the place we stayed so I got to sit on mom and dads lap to eat. I was really lucky and a few times they even put the food on the coffee table and let me eat standing up!!! I would eat a little, then play and come back and eat some more. That is my favorite way to eat!!

I now know how to do BIG smiles when mom and dad say “cheese” so we can take pictures! I smile so big and wide that my eyes close and sometimes I get a real funny expression!! CHEESE!!

I just loved my beach vacation and can not wait for mom and dad to plan the next one!!! I hope it is really soon...maybe then I will love the ocean and the sand!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3 versus 1!

Sorry BIG cousin Tom, but it looks like you are going to be WAY out numbered at Fimmen family gatherings! It will be 3 girl cousins versus 1 boy cousin!! Don't worry, we will still play with you though! I am so excited for my new cousin Meghan to come July 2nd (on my Daddy's Bday)and so excited about the new news that Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob are having a little girl...Anna!! Anna is due end of September! We will have a full house of kiddos at Grama and Pa's soon! I can't wait for all the craziness and fun! It will be so fun to have so many cousins my age!

I love you!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I can hardly believe it...

Today marks exactly one year since I have started blogging! I am so proud of myself that I have kept it up and I hope you all love to get my little updates as much as I love writing them!
Mommy keeps reminding me how neat it will be to be able to look back at all the special memories in my life! We are going to make a book out of my very first year of blogging! So, this is the last post that will make it in the first book! Don't worry, I will keep blogging as long as this site is still available (or until I get too old and get tired of spending my free time writing about myself...I hear big kids like the "surf the net" and play video games)!

Next time you see me ask me about the book and I will share it with you. Mom has to help me finish up a few details in the book, but I will soon be "published"! I wonder if I will be the youngest kid ever to publish their own book? I will have to Google that!!! Hee hee!

I love you!

Mother's Day!

Today is Mother's Day and I would like to wish all the mommy's, grama's, and Aunt's I know a happy day!! I was not feel all that great today (I think I have allergies or a cold), so I required A LOT of mommy's attention. She held me all morning.

Both my Grama's and Pa's, Aunt Nenny and Uncle Rob all came over for lunch!! It was so much fun...I actually forgot I was not feeling well and entertained everyone! We did not end up taking many pictures, so I am sorry we did not get pictures with everyone in them!
Mom and I had a craft project yesterday and I got to color in every one's Mother's Day cards with markers! It was so much fun...a little messy, but washable! I just love to color! I added some pictures of me working on my craft projects...maybe one day mom and I will have our very own craft room to work on projects together! I can't wait!
I love you momma, grama, grama, great grama, great grama, great grama, Aunt Nenny, Aunt Carolyn and all the other mommy's I know!

Update on me!

Thursday and Friday of this week Grama and Pa were in Denver for my Great Uncle Lee's wedding, so mommy stayed home and watched me Thursday and Aunt Nenny watched me Friday!

Mommy and I shopped all day long and played. We had so much fun! I love to watch her try on clothes and stare at myself in the mirror. It was funny because even though mommy and I were in public she would sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider as loud as she could to get me to have fun!

Aunt Jenny (I call her "Nenny") and I played so much! It is so neat to see how she does EVERYTHING I ask! We were outside most of the day and I just loved it! We blew bubbles, drew with chalk, went on a wagon walk and she helped me play on my Barbie car! I had so much fun with her!

I now eat with a fork and can drink out of straw...I am such a BIG girl! Check out the fun picture of me when I wake up...crazy hair!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Grama bought a really fun kitchen set that is just my size! It is for her house so I can go over there everyday and play with it! There is a really cool blender that I make milk shakes with and a refrigerator, sink and oven! Here are some pictures of me playing with my new favorite toy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

An Update

It is hard for me to remember what all I have updated everyone, sorry if you have already heard some of this!
  • I now can say "juice", "Down", "up", "Ba Ba" (for milk), "shoe", "wa wa" (for water), "Mur" (for Murphy), "Elmo", "do da" (just like my cousin Tom taught me) and "na na" (for no).
  • I love to put everything in Murphy's water bowl (even though it makes mommy and daddy so mad and I know I should not). My new thing is to step all around in the water bowl and get soaking wet. I also like to drop my stuffed animals in the water to see if they can swim! haha!!
  • I give lots of hugs and pat everyone on the back or leg or belly or face..anywhere to show them I care!
  • I love to "chill" and relax by leaning back on things
  • I love to sit on the big girl chairs and couches....only one rule "sit on your bottom. I know what my bottom is too!
  • I make the funniest "pucker" face and sometimes say "uh oh" while I make it. It cracks everyone up!
  • I have 3 molars so far and I can feel a forth one trying to break through. I hate teething!
  • I started to throw temper tantrums by laying on my back and making a big fuss. For some reason mommy and daddy ignore me and it just makes me madder. I heard mommy say something about if I don't grow out of it soon they are going to try something called "time out"...I sure hope that means they will start giving me my way.
  • I have finally mastered getting all the rings on the pole all by myself...and it is HARD!
  • If you ask me to...I will kiss my toes!
  • I am obsessed with belly buttons. I love to lift up my shirt and show you mine...I say "ding" and try to press belly buttons. I can even find the belly buttons on balls and balloons! I love belly buttons!
  • I can now "Nea" like a horse and "meow" like a kitty cat!

Grama and Pa got back from Italy and I was so excited to see them!! It was so fun playing with them and all my old toys again!! I had so much fun with Grama and Pa Horton and Mom and Dad when they watched me when they were in Italy. Thanks everyone for taking such good care of me! I love you!





Yesterday we all went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob's house for a Mexican Fiesta party!! I got to see my cousin Peanut...boy do I miss seeing him! Grama and Pa, Mr. and Mrs. Stilley, Aaron and Henry were all there. It was fun playing with Henry...I tried to give him lots of kisses. I also tried to learn how to walk sideways and backwards from him and how to crawl down the steps! He is bigger then me and I have lots to learn!!

After dinner we walked to the playground near the house and it was so fun! I went down a HUGE slide, swung on the swings and did lots of fun stuff with everyone. I wish I had such a big playground by my house. Baby Stilley is going to just LOVE it! Grama promised me that once Baby Stilley arrives we will be spending lots of time at the Stilley house, so I am sure I will see that play ground a lot this summer! Lucky me!!
