Friday, April 30, 2010

McDonalds Playland

Today mommy worked from home, so we got to go to lunch together at McDonalds! I ordered a happy meal, but instead of getting chicken Mcnuggets like I normally do, I got a hamburger (just like mommy)! Then, after we ate we went and played on the playland! It was SO COOL! There were lots of kids playing (I was by far the youngest) and it was pretty crowded. At first I was a little timid and would run back to mom whenever too make kids came around or if I got nervous. But I soon warmed up and had so much fun!

I would go up to the kids and say "hi, my name is Kate". Some would not hear me, some would ignore me, but some would say "hi" back to me and I would get SO EXCITED! I would then run over to mom....actually hop over to her and then do my "so excited" motion and giggle like crazy, then go right back to where the action was!

There was a girl name Julie who was about 7 years old that was so nice to me. Since I was really too little for the playland (should be 3 and older), I could not climb up very high because the steps were too big. Julie took me by the hand and showed me how to do it. She even lifted me up to help me and then showed me how to get down. I was so proud of myself that I was with the big kids...I would give mom a big smile to show her how much fun I was having!

I loved it so much that I did not want to leave...Mom and I were at McDonalds for an hour and a half! I can't wait to go back to play!! Mommy said she was so proud of me and could not believe how big I am getting. I think she was going to cry with how big I am getting!


"Guess what guys?" (I say that a lot!) This morning I said to mommy "I need to go potty", we went straight to my potty, took off my diaper and I sat on the big girl potty and peepee'd a whole bunch! I was so excited when we got to put in in the potty and flush it! This is my first time peeing in the potty!!! I have pooped before, but never peed!! I am so excited! We went out to Target today and get a Princess Tiana doll from "Princess and the Frog" to celebrate the BIG event! Everyone gets so excited when I tell them! I am getting so big!


So, I went to the dentist a few weeks ago and he said..."No more paci's for Kate". It was not fun to hear! Mommy then proceeded to cut the tops of all my pacis off because the doctor said I would not like them anymore after she did this and then just give up on them. Well, I am a very skilled and innovative little girl, and therefor still love my pacis! There is just a trick to getting them to work...I have to put my finger through them and then suck. See the pictures below for reference. In fact, sometimes I put multiple pacis on my fingers!!! I have to say, it makes pacis not really as fun and I have become a bigger girl and am not as interested, although sometimes I do still need a suck! I am nervous to see what mom will do next to make me STOP the pacis entirely!!

Amberlyn & Nick

Amberlyn and Nick (one of mommy's closest friends from college and her husband) came to visit a few weeks ago from Chicago! We had lots of fun! We grilled out for dinner, played at the playground, talked and played at home and then the next day went to Nama and Papa's for a BBQ! They were so much fun and I had a lot of fun playing with them! They even stayed the night and slept in the bedroom right next to mine! I can't wait to see them again!


I love my cousins so much! I think I already wrote all about when Tom and Meghan came into town and how we all played like crazy and had so much fun! Here are some pictures of Tom and I at Nama's house! I can't wait until they come back to visit!


It is so exciting! We have a duck in our front yard who has laid 12 ducky eggs! She built her nest right in our landscaping and sits on her nest every single day! Mommy and I check it at least a few times a day to make sure everything is okay. So, far no baby ducky's, although we saw a few broken shells yesterday (we hope some animal did not come and hurt them because we do not see babies yet)! We can not wait to see all the babies, but hope they do not make a home out of our yard as I do not like bird poop!

Naked high heals!

I love running around being a "naked baby", especially when I get to wear mommy's brand new very high heals!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


The first thing I said to Nama this afternoon when she came to get me from my nap was..."Nama, I've got a question for you". I never asked her a question, but thought what I said was so funny!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Daddy loves is NFL draft day. Guess what I said to mommy tonight when we were driving home from shopping..."I don't want to watch the draft. I want to watch Videos (America's Funniest Home Videos). I will tell Daddy that. He is upstairs watching TV." Mommy thought that was really funny!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I have had so much fun the past week because I got to spend time with all my cousins! Aunt Carolyn, Tom and Meghan were in town from Texas and we got to hang out together lots! We had so much fun! We played outside, swung on the swing, played in the playroom, held hands, watched the fun Disney music DVD...we had so much fun! I will upload all the pictures soon.


I love the UPS and FedEx trucks! In fact, I wave to them every afternoon at Nama and Papa's house and they wave back to me. Today Nama and I were in the back yard pushing Lambie on the swing when the UPS truck drive by. I said to Nama "aah, the UPS man did not have a package for Nama". She thought that was really funny!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cousin Anna

I have been able to spend a lot of time with my cousin Anna lately because Aunt Jenny has taken a long term substitute teaching job and Anna gets to come over to Nama's a lot! I love my cousin! We play, hug and giggle together!

"I do", "I want"

I am a very good talker, but one thing that took me a while to pick up on is not talking in the 3rd person. I love saying..."Kate wants", "Kate has", "Kate is"...that sort of thing. BUT, mommy and daddy have been teaching me and I am doing a really good job of saying "I" instead of "Kate" when talking about myself. I now say "I do", "I want", "I am"! I get so excited when I say it right that I look right at mommy and SMILE!!

Pictures by Kate....

I am a photographer! Take a look at some of my most recent shots!

Our chair in the hearth room:




Mommy's Shoes

I love to go into mommy' closet and try on all her shoes. I am even getting good in walking in the high heals! I am such a big girl!

The park!

I love outside! I love the park (any park really)! I love swings! I love slides! I love to walk around! I love to run! I love to go up stairs! I love my life! Here are some pictures of mom, dad and I at the park last weekend. It was so much fun…I did not want to leave!

Easter Weekend

I was a lucky girl and got to celebrate Easter all weekend long! Nama Vicki and Papa Dick were in town and came over to Nama and Papa's house Saturday night to celebrate mommy's birthday. We even got to do an Easter egg hunt Saturday night and I sang mommy "happy birthday" lots of times!

On Easter morning we went to church then went over to Nama and Papa's for a big brunch of waffles, bacon, toast, name it! It was so yummy and I love blueberries! We went on another Easter egg hunt and I got to eat lots of candy! Mmmm...I love candy!

The Easter bunny was good to me and I had lots of fun!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I love it when cousin Anna is at Nama's house! We have so much fun together! Here we are this week going on a wagon ride together. The weather was so nice and I LOVED it! Look how big Anna is getting. She is 6 months old and is already sitting up so good and holding on! I am trying to teach her everything I know!!