Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open up and say....


I may not like sitting in the car when we drive through a car wash (“too noisy”), but I LOVE washing the car! Last weekend Daddy showed me how to clean mommy’s car and we had so much fun! I got to spray the tires, spray the hose and get all wet in the process! I can’t wait for her car to get dirty again! Maybe this will become daddy and my weekend chore all summer long!

First Boat Ride Ever!

I had so much fun this past weekend! First, my cousin Anna, Aunt Jenny and Uncle Rob were in town and I got to play with them AND second….we all got to go on a boat ride on the lake! I loved it so much – except for the crazy “coat” (life jacket). I kept telling everyone it was too tight…it was really not fun and when mommy took it off she noticed how hot I must have been because I was sweating like crazy!

Uncle Rob’s mom and dad live on a really cool lake and have a boat. We had dinner at there house, got to play there (I even got to throw rocks into the water) and then we spent the night on the pontoon boat! I was trying to be a really good girl so we would get invited over again!!!!!! Heehee!


My favorite movie is Disney's "Princess and the Frog". I ask to watch it all the time and sometimes even bring it to Nama's so I can watch it on a rainy day! I even quote the movie "Please, Please, PLEASE...." is what Tiana says and every time she says I say it with her and then scream with delight!

Daddy thinks he is funny and calls it "Princess and the Dog" and I have to correct him that it is "FROG!!!!"

I also love "Snow White and the Seven Dwarf" and go around acting and talking like a Dwarf...."hi ho hi ho"!

I love to hold my Tiana and Snow White dolls when I watch both these movies!

Whistle while you work...

Believe it or not I can whistle. I am pretty good at it too! Even Nama has a hard time whistling!!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

"Pretend I'm Leah"

Leah cuts Nama, Mommy and my hair! I really like her! In fact, she cut my hair today! I was such a good girl for her to take off lots of my curls so that all my hair is the same length...short and curly! As soon as we upload our pictures we will add them.

Tonight I pulled out all my hair stuff from my vanity (comb, scissors, mirror and ponytail holders) and told mommy that I wanted her to pretend she was Leah and cut my hair. Once mommy was done with my hair I told her "pretend I'm Leah" and then I cut and fixed her hair all pretty!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


You read that right! I am now officially in a big girl bed and I LOVE it! I was so proud of myself when mom and dad set it up last week. I played in it all day and night! I put my babies to bed in in, I put myself to bed (pretend of course)! Mom and dad can't believe that once I am in the bed I do not even get out to come see least not yet!

I have the cutest owl bedding that matches my pink and green room! I love to cuddle with the big owl pillow!


Weekend vacation!

This weekend mommy, daddy and I went on a little vacation to St. Louis! We stayed in a really cool hotel that looked right on to the arch....we had a great view from our hotel room! I loved to race up and down the hall and ride the escalator over and over again!

The first day we walked around downtown, went to the arch and played! I even got to build my very first Build-A-Bear! It was SO cool! I got to put the heart in my bear and pick out her outfit and help the girl stuff her. I named her "Teddy Bear"! All I really cared about though was that she had these super cool pink sun glasses!

On Saturday we went to the zoo! It was the main reason we went to St Louis and it was so much fun! I got to see so many cool animals, walk all around, eat some fun snacks and spend time with mommy and daddy! I think the monkeys are my favorite, no wait...the elephant, or the lions...I really liked them all!

The part I did not like was the carousel. I usually love them, but for some reason once mommy and I got on it I freaked out and cried the entire time. Take a look at the sign mommy took a picture of after we got off the carousel - she thinks she is funny!

There was a really cool train at the zoo and I loved to wave at it and all the people every time it passed! I had so much fun at the zoo that I passed out and slept the entire 3 hour and 45 minutes it takes to get back home!!

I can't wait to go back!


The Farm!

I love Deanna Rose Farmstead for so many reasons! I love it for the animals, the playgym, the popcorn...all sorts of things! This year they make you pay to get in so mom and dad bought a yearly pass so we can go ALL THE TIME! Yippee!!

"The Same"

Guess what is the same? I always point out things that are the same to everyone!